no code implementations • RANLP 2019 • Nikolay Arefyev, Boris Sheludko, Alex Panchenko, er
Word Sense Induction (WSI) is the task of grouping of occurrences of an ambiguous word according to their meaning.
1 code implementation • WS 2019 • Dmitry Puzyrev, Artem Shelmanov, Alex Panchenko, er, Ekaterina Artemova
This paper presents the first gold-standard resource for Russian annotated with compositionality information of noun compounds.
1 code implementation • ACL 2019 • Artem Chernodub, Oleksiy Oliynyk, Philipp Heidenreich, Alex Bondarenko, Matthias Hagen, Chris Biemann, Alex Panchenko, er
We present TARGER, an open source neural argument mining framework for tagging arguments in free input texts and for keyword-based retrieval of arguments from an argument-tagged web-scale corpus.
no code implementations • ACL 2019 • Abhik Jana, Dima Puzyrev, Alex Panchenko, er, Pawan Goyal, Chris Biemann, Animesh Mukherjee
In particular, we use hypernymy information of the multiword and its constituents encoded in the form of the recently introduced Poincar{\'e} embeddings in addition to the distributional information to detect compositionality for noun phrases.
no code implementations • ACL 2019 • {\"O}zge Sevgili, Alex Panchenko, er, Chris Biemann
Entity Disambiguation (ED) is the task of linking an ambiguous entity mention to a corresponding entry in a knowledge base.
no code implementations • SEMEVAL 2019 • Nikolay Arefyev, Boris Sheludko, Adis Davletov, Dmitry Kharchev, Alex Nevidomsky, Alex Panchenko, er
We describe our solutions for semantic frame and role induction subtasks of SemEval 2019 Task 2.
no code implementations • RANLP 2017 • Seid Muhie Yimam, Steffen Remus, Alex Panchenko, er, Andreas Holzinger, Chris Biemann
In this paper, we describe the concept of entity-centric information access for the biomedical domain.
no code implementations • WS 2017 • Alex Panchenko, er, Stefano Faralli, Simone Paolo Ponzetto, Chris Biemann
We introduce a new method for unsupervised knowledge-based word sense disambiguation (WSD) based on a resource that links two types of sense-aware lexical networks: one is induced from a corpus using distributional semantics, the other is manually constructed.
no code implementations • EACL 2017 • Alex Panchenko, er, Eugen Ruppert, Stefano Faralli, Simone Paolo Ponzetto, Chris Biemann
On the example of word sense induction and disambiguation (WSID), we show that it is possible to develop an interpretable model that matches the state-of-the-art models in accuracy.
no code implementations • EACL 2017 • Stefano Faralli, Alex Panchenko, er, Chris Biemann, Simone Paolo Ponzetto
In this paper, we present ContrastMedium, an algorithm that transforms noisy semantic networks into full-fledged, clean taxonomies.
no code implementations • ACL 2016 • Seid Muhie Yimam, Heiner Ulrich, von L, Tatiana esberger, Marcel Rosenbach, Michaela Regneri, Alex Panchenko, er, Franziska Lehmann, Uli Fahrer, Chris Biemann, Kathrin Ballweg
no code implementations • SEMEVAL 2016 • Alex Panchenko, er, Stefano Faralli, Eugen Ruppert, Steffen Remus, Hubert Naets, C{\'e}drick Fairon, Simone Paolo Ponzetto, Chris Biemann
no code implementations • LREC 2016 • Alex Panchenko, er
Word sense embeddings represent a word sense as a low-dimensional numeric vector.