Search Results for author: Alex Townsend

Found 20 papers, 11 papers with code

Operator learning without the adjoint

1 code implementation31 Jan 2024 Nicolas Boullé, Diana Halikias, Samuel E. Otto, Alex Townsend

There is a mystery at the heart of operator learning: how can one recover a non-self-adjoint operator from data without probing the adjoint?

Operator learning

Operator learning for hyperbolic partial differential equations

no code implementations29 Dec 2023 Christopher Wang, Alex Townsend

We construct the first rigorously justified probabilistic algorithm for recovering the solution operator of a hyperbolic partial differential equation (PDE) in two variables from input-output training pairs.

Operator learning

A Mathematical Guide to Operator Learning

no code implementations22 Dec 2023 Nicolas Boullé, Alex Townsend

We explain the types of problems and PDEs amenable to operator learning, discuss various neural network architectures, and explain how to employ numerical PDE solvers effectively.

Operator learning

Beyond expectations: Residual Dynamic Mode Decomposition and Variance for Stochastic Dynamical Systems

1 code implementation21 Aug 2023 Matthew J. Colbrook, Qin Li, Ryan V. Raut, Alex Townsend

Finally, we present a suite of convergence results for the spectral information of stochastic Koopman operators.

Elliptic PDE learning is provably data-efficient

1 code implementation24 Feb 2023 Nicolas Boullé, Diana Halikias, Alex Townsend

PDE learning is an emerging field that combines physics and machine learning to recover unknown physical systems from experimental data.

Tuning Frequency Bias in Neural Network Training with Nonuniform Data

no code implementations28 May 2022 Annan Yu, Yunan Yang, Alex Townsend

Small generalization errors of over-parameterized neural networks (NNs) can be partially explained by the frequency biasing phenomenon, where gradient-based algorithms minimize the low-frequency misfit before reducing the high-frequency residuals.

Learning Green's functions associated with time-dependent partial differential equations

no code implementations27 Apr 2022 Nicolas Boullé, Seick Kim, Tianyi Shi, Alex Townsend

Neural operators are a popular technique in scientific machine learning to learn a mathematical model of the behavior of unknown physical systems from data.

Rigorous data-driven computation of spectral properties of Koopman operators for dynamical systems

1 code implementation29 Nov 2021 Matthew J. Colbrook, Alex Townsend

This allows us to compute the spectral measure associated with the dynamics of a protein molecule with a 20, 046-dimensional state space and compute nonlinear Koopman modes with error bounds for turbulent flow past aerofoils with Reynolds number $>10^5$ that has a 295, 122-dimensional state space.

Arbitrary-Depth Universal Approximation Theorems for Operator Neural Networks

no code implementations23 Sep 2021 Annan Yu, Chloé Becquey, Diana Halikias, Matthew Esmaili Mallory, Alex Townsend

Here, we prove that operator NNs of bounded width and arbitrary depth are universal approximators for continuous nonlinear operators.


A generalization of the randomized singular value decomposition

no code implementations ICLR 2022 Nicolas Boullé, Alex Townsend

The randomized singular value decomposition (SVD) is a popular and effective algorithm for computing a near-best rank $k$ approximation of a matrix $A$ using matrix-vector products with standard Gaussian vectors.

Data-driven discovery of Green's functions with human-understandable deep learning

2 code implementations1 May 2021 Nicolas Boullé, Christopher J. Earls, Alex Townsend

There is an opportunity for deep learning to revolutionize science and technology by revealing its findings in a human interpretable manner.

scientific discovery

Learning elliptic partial differential equations with randomized linear algebra

no code implementations31 Jan 2021 Nicolas Boullé, Alex Townsend

Given input-output pairs of an elliptic partial differential equation (PDE) in three dimensions, we derive the first theoretically-rigorous scheme for learning the associated Green's function $G$.

Over-parametrized neural networks as under-determined linear systems

no code implementations29 Oct 2020 Austin R. Benson, Anil Damle, Alex Townsend

We draw connections between simple neural networks and under-determined linear systems to comprehensively explore several interesting theoretical questions in the study of neural networks.

The ultraspherical spectral element method

1 code implementation15 Jun 2020 Daniel Fortunato, Nicholas Hale, Alex Townsend

We introduce a novel spectral element method based on the ultraspherical spectral method and the hierarchical Poincar\'{e}-Steklov scheme for solving second-order linear partial differential equations on polygonal domains with unstructured quadrilateral or triangular meshes.

Numerical Analysis Numerical Analysis 65N35, 65N55, 65M60

Rational neural networks

3 code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Nicolas Boullé, Yuji Nakatsukasa, Alex Townsend

We consider neural networks with rational activation functions.

A sparse spectral method on triangles

1 code implementation13 Feb 2019 Sheehan Olver, Alex Townsend, Geoff Vasil

In this paper, we demonstrate that many of the computational tools for univariate orthogonal polynomials have analogues for a family of bivariate orthogonal polynomials on the triangle, including Clenshaw's algorithm and sparse differentiation operators.

Numerical Analysis 65N35

Fast Poisson solvers for spectral methods

1 code implementation30 Oct 2017 Daniel Fortunato, Alex Townsend

Poisson's equation is the canonical elliptic partial differential equation.

Numerical Analysis

Why are Big Data Matrices Approximately Low Rank?

no code implementations21 May 2017 Madeleine Udell, Alex Townsend

Here, we explain the effectiveness of low rank models in data science by considering a simple generative model for these matrices: we suppose that each row or column is associated to a (possibly high dimensional) bounded latent variable, and entries of the matrix are generated by applying a piecewise analytic function to these latent variables.

Recommendation Systems Topic Models

A nonuniform fast Fourier transform based on low rank approximation

4 code implementations17 Jan 2017 Diego Ruiz-Antolin, Alex Townsend

By viewing the nonuniform discrete Fourier transform (NUDFT) as a perturbed version of a uniform discrete Fourier transform, we propose a fast, stable, and simple algorithm for computing the NUDFT that costs $\mathcal{O}(N\log N\log(1/\epsilon)/\log\!\log(1/\epsilon))$ operations based on the fast Fourier transform, where $N$ is the size of the transform and $0<\epsilon <1$ is a working precision.

Numerical Analysis

Fast computation of Gauss quadrature nodes and weights on the whole real line

1 code implementation20 Oct 2014 Alex Townsend, Thomas Trogdon, Sheehan Olver

The algorithm is based on Newton's method with carefully selected initial guesses for the nodes and a fast evaluation scheme for the associated orthogonal polynomial.

Numerical Analysis

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