Search Results for author: Alexander Brinkmann

Found 4 papers, 4 papers with code

Using LLMs for the Extraction and Normalization of Product Attribute Values

1 code implementation4 Mar 2024 Alexander Brinkmann, Nick Baumann, Christian Bizer

In order to enable features such as faceted product search or to generate product comparison tables, it is necessary to extract structured attribute-value pairs from the unstructured product titles and descriptions and to normalize the extracted values to a single, unified scale for each attribute.

Attribute Attribute Value Extraction +1

ExtractGPT: Exploring the Potential of Large Language Models for Product Attribute Value Extraction

1 code implementation19 Oct 2023 Alexander Brinkmann, Roee Shraga, Christian Bizer

Vendors often times provide unstructured product descriptions consisting only of an offer title and a textual description.

 Ranked #1 on Attribute Value Extraction on AE-110k (F1-score metric)

Attribute Attribute Value Extraction

Product Information Extraction using ChatGPT

1 code implementation23 Jun 2023 Alexander Brinkmann, Roee Shraga, Reng Chiz Der, Christian Bizer

Hence, extracting attribute/value pairs from textual product descriptions is an essential enabler for e-commerce applications.

Attribute Language Modelling +1

SC-Block: Supervised Contrastive Blocking within Entity Resolution Pipelines

1 code implementation6 Mar 2023 Alexander Brinkmann, Roee Shraga, Christian Bizer

To reduce these runtimes, entity resolution pipelines are constructed of two parts: a blocker that applies a computationally cheap method to select candidate record pairs, and a matcher that afterwards identifies matching pairs from this set using more expensive methods.

Blocking Contrastive Learning

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