no code implementations • 21 Dec 2015 • Kuldeep S. Meel, Moshe Vardi, Supratik Chakraborty, Daniel J. Fremont, Sanjit A. Seshia, Dror Fried, Alexander Ivrii, Sharad Malik
Constrained sampling and counting are two fundamental problems in artificial intelligence with a diverse range of applications, spanning probabilistic reasoning and planning to constrained-random verification.
no code implementations • 9 Dec 2014 • Gadi Aleksandrowicz, Hana Chockler, Joseph Y. Halpern, Alexander Ivrii
Halpern and Pearl introduced a definition of actual causality; Eiter and Lukasiewicz showed that computing whether X=x is a cause of Y=y is NP-complete in binary models (where all variables can take on only two values) and\ Sigma_2^P-complete in general models.