Search Results for author: Alexander Klein

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

UTrack: Multi-Object Tracking with Uncertain Detections

1 code implementation30 Aug 2024 Edgardo Solano-Carrillo, Felix Sattler, Antje Alex, Alexander Klein, Bruno Pereira Costa, Angel Bueno Rodriguez, Jannis Stoppe

The tracking-by-detection paradigm is the mainstream in multi-object tracking, associating tracks to the predictions of an object detector.

Autonomous Driving Multi-Object Tracking +3

Are Investors Biased Against Women? Analyzing How Gender Affects Startup Funding in Europe

no code implementations1 Dec 2021 Michael Färber, Alexander Klein

For startup founders, it is therefore crucial to know whether investors have a bias against women as startup founders and in which way startups face disadvantages due to gender bias.

Supervised Training of Dense Object Nets using Optimal Descriptors for Industrial Robotic Applications

no code implementations16 Feb 2021 Andras Kupcsik, Markus Spies, Alexander Klein, Marco Todescato, Nicolai Waniek, Philipp Schillinger, Mathias Buerger

In this paper we show that given a 3D model of an object, we can generate its descriptor space image, which allows for supervised training of DONs.


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