Search Results for author: Alexander Korotin

Found 38 papers, 22 papers with code

Robust Barycenter Estimation using Semi-Unbalanced Neural Optimal Transport

no code implementations4 Oct 2024 Milena Gazdieva, Jaemoo Choi, Alexander Kolesov, Jaewoong Choi, Petr Mokrov, Alexander Korotin

To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first attempt to develop an algorithm for robust barycenters under the continuous distribution setup.

Inverse Entropic Optimal Transport Solves Semi-supervised Learning via Data Likelihood Maximization

no code implementations3 Oct 2024 Mikhail Persiianov, Arip Asadulaev, Nikita Andreev, Nikita Starodubcev, Dmitry Baranchuk, Anastasis Kratsios, Evgeny Burnaev, Alexander Korotin

To tackle this issue, we propose a new learning paradigm that integrates both paired and unpaired data $\textbf{seamlessly}$ through the data likelihood maximization techniques.

Diffusion & Adversarial Schrödinger Bridges via Iterative Proportional Markovian Fitting

no code implementations3 Oct 2024 Sergei Kholkin, Grigoriy Ksenofontov, David Li, Nikita Kornilov, Nikita Gushchin, Evgeny Burnaev, Alexander Korotin

The Iterative Markovian Fitting (IMF) procedure based on iterative reciprocal and Markovian projections has recently been proposed as a powerful method for solving the Schr\"odinger Bridge problem.

Adversarial Schrödinger Bridge Matching

1 code implementation23 May 2024 Nikita Gushchin, Daniil Selikhanovych, Sergei Kholkin, Evgeny Burnaev, Alexander Korotin

A promising recent approach to solve the SB problem is the Iterative Markovian Fitting (IMF) procedure, which alternates between Markovian and reciprocal projections of continuous-time stochastic processes.


Optimal Flow Matching: Learning Straight Trajectories in Just One Step

1 code implementation19 Mar 2024 Nikita Kornilov, Petr Mokrov, Alexander Gasnikov, Alexander Korotin

Over the several recent years, there has been a boom in development of Flow Matching (FM) methods for generative modeling.

Estimating Barycenters of Distributions with Neural Optimal Transport

1 code implementation6 Feb 2024 Alexander Kolesov, Petr Mokrov, Igor Udovichenko, Milena Gazdieva, Gudmund Pammer, Evgeny Burnaev, Alexander Korotin

A theoretically appealing notion of such an average is the Wasserstein barycenter, which is the primal focus of our work.

Light and Optimal Schrödinger Bridge Matching

1 code implementation5 Feb 2024 Nikita Gushchin, Sergei Kholkin, Evgeny Burnaev, Alexander Korotin

It exploits the optimal parameterization of the diffusion process and provably recovers the SB process \textbf{(a)} with a single bridge matching step and \textbf{(b)} with arbitrary transport plan as the input.

Light Schrödinger Bridge

1 code implementation2 Oct 2023 Alexander Korotin, Nikita Gushchin, Evgeny Burnaev

Despite the recent advances in the field of computational Schr\"odinger Bridges (SB), most existing SB solvers are still heavy-weighted and require complex optimization of several neural networks.

Density Estimation

Energy-Guided Continuous Entropic Barycenter Estimation for General Costs

no code implementations2 Oct 2023 Alexander Kolesov, Petr Mokrov, Igor Udovichenko, Milena Gazdieva, Gudmund Pammer, Anastasis Kratsios, Evgeny Burnaev, Alexander Korotin

Optimal transport (OT) barycenters are a mathematically grounded way of averaging probability distributions while capturing their geometric properties.

Building the Bridge of Schrödinger: A Continuous Entropic Optimal Transport Benchmark

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Nikita Gushchin, Alexander Kolesov, Petr Mokrov, Polina Karpikova, Andrey Spiridonov, Evgeny Burnaev, Alexander Korotin

We fill this gap and propose a novel way to create pairs of probability distributions for which the ground truth OT solution is known by the construction.

Light Unbalanced Optimal Transport

no code implementations14 Mar 2023 Milena Gazdieva, Arip Asadulaev, Alexander Korotin, Evgeny Burnaev

We show that combined with a light parametrization recently proposed in the field our objective leads to a fast, simple, and effective solver which allows solving the continuous UEOT problem in minutes on CPU.

Generalization Bounds

Entropic Neural Optimal Transport via Diffusion Processes

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Nikita Gushchin, Alexander Kolesov, Alexander Korotin, Dmitry Vetrov, Evgeny Burnaev

We propose a novel neural algorithm for the fundamental problem of computing the entropic optimal transport (EOT) plan between continuous probability distributions which are accessible by samples.

Kantorovich Strikes Back! Wasserstein GANs are not Optimal Transport?

2 code implementations15 Jun 2022 Alexander Korotin, Alexander Kolesov, Evgeny Burnaev

Despite the success of WGANs, it is still unclear how well the underlying OT dual solvers approximate the OT cost (Wasserstein-1 distance, $\mathbb{W}_{1}$) and the OT gradient needed to update the generator.

Kernel Neural Optimal Transport

2 code implementations30 May 2022 Alexander Korotin, Daniil Selikhanovych, Evgeny Burnaev

We study the Neural Optimal Transport (NOT) algorithm which uses the general optimal transport formulation and learns stochastic transport plans.

Image-to-Image Translation Translation

Neural Optimal Transport with General Cost Functionals

1 code implementation30 May 2022 Arip Asadulaev, Alexander Korotin, Vage Egiazarian, Petr Mokrov, Evgeny Burnaev

We introduce a novel neural network-based algorithm to compute optimal transport (OT) plans for general cost functionals.

Connecting adversarial attacks and optimal transport for domain adaptation

no code implementations30 May 2022 Arip Asadulaev, Vitaly Shutov, Alexander Korotin, Alexander Panfilov, Andrey Filchenkov

In domain adaptation, the goal is to adapt a classifier trained on the source domain samples to the target domain.

Domain Adaptation

Neural Optimal Transport

3 code implementations28 Jan 2022 Alexander Korotin, Daniil Selikhanovych, Evgeny Burnaev

We present a novel neural-networks-based algorithm to compute optimal transport maps and plans for strong and weak transport costs.

Image-to-Image Translation Translation

Wasserstein Iterative Networks for Barycenter Estimation

1 code implementation28 Jan 2022 Alexander Korotin, Vage Egiazarian, Lingxiao Li, Evgeny Burnaev

Wasserstein barycenters have become popular due to their ability to represent the average of probability measures in a geometrically meaningful way.

Generative Modeling with Optimal Transport Maps

2 code implementations ICLR 2022 Litu Rout, Alexander Korotin, Evgeny Burnaev

In particular, we consider denoising, colorization, and inpainting, where the optimality of the restoration map is a desired attribute, since the output (restored) image is expected to be close to the input (degraded) one.

Attribute Colorization +3

Cycle monotonicity of adversarial attacks for optimal domain adaptation

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Arip Asadulaev, Vitaly Shutov, Alexander Korotin, Alexander Panfilov, Andrey Filchenkov

In our algorithm, instead of mapping from target to the source domain, optimal transport maps target samples to the set of adversarial examples.

Domain Adaptation Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation

Do Neural Optimal Transport Solvers Work? A Continuous Wasserstein-2 Benchmark

6 code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Alexander Korotin, Lingxiao Li, Aude Genevay, Justin Solomon, Alexander Filippov, Evgeny Burnaev

Despite the recent popularity of neural network-based solvers for optimal transport (OT), there is no standard quantitative way to evaluate their performance.

Image Generation

Large-Scale Wasserstein Gradient Flows

3 code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Petr Mokrov, Alexander Korotin, Lingxiao Li, Aude Genevay, Justin Solomon, Evgeny Burnaev

Specifically, Fokker-Planck equations, which model the diffusion of probability measures, can be understood as gradient descent over entropy functionals in Wasserstein space.

Continuous Wasserstein-2 Barycenter Estimation without Minimax Optimization

2 code implementations ICLR 2021 Alexander Korotin, Lingxiao Li, Justin Solomon, Evgeny Burnaev

Wasserstein barycenters provide a geometric notion of the weighted average of probability measures based on optimal transport.

Topological obstructions in neural networks learning

no code implementations31 Dec 2020 Serguei Barannikov, Daria Voronkova, Ilya Trofimov, Alexander Korotin, Grigorii Sotnikov, Evgeny Burnaev

We define the neural network Topological Obstructions score, "TO-score", with the help of robust topological invariants, barcodes of the loss function, that quantify the "badness" of local minima for gradient-based optimization.

Topological Data Analysis

Integral Mixability: a Tool for Efficient Online Aggregation of Functional and Probabilistic Forecasts

no code implementations15 Dec 2019 Alexander Korotin, Vladimir V'yugin, Evgeny Burnaev

In this paper we extend the setting of the online prediction with expert advice to function-valued forecasts.

Barcodes as summary of objective function's topology

no code implementations29 Nov 2019 Serguei Barannikov, Alexander Korotin, Dmitry Oganesyan, Daniil Emtsev, Evgeny Burnaev

We apply the canonical forms (barcodes) of gradient Morse complexes to explore topology of loss surfaces.

Wasserstein-2 Generative Networks

4 code implementations ICLR 2021 Alexander Korotin, Vage Egiazarian, Arip Asadulaev, Alexander Safin, Evgeny Burnaev

We propose a novel end-to-end non-minimax algorithm for training optimal transport mappings for the quadratic cost (Wasserstein-2 distance).

Domain Adaptation Style Transfer

Barcodes as summary of objective functions' topology

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Serguei Barannikov, Alexander Korotin, Dmitry Oganesyan, Daniil Emtsev, Evgeny Burnaev

We apply canonical forms of gradient complexes (barcodes) to explore neural networks loss surfaces.

Adaptive Hedging under Delayed Feedback

no code implementations27 Feb 2019 Alexander Korotin, Vladimir V'yugin, Evgeny Burnaev

The article is devoted to investigating the application of hedging strategies to online expert weight allocation under delayed feedback.

Aggregating Strategies for Long-term Forecasting

no code implementations18 Mar 2018 Alexander Korotin, Vladimir V'yugin, Evgeny Burnaev

The first one is theoretically close to an optimal algorithm and is based on replication of independent copies.

Long-Term Online Smoothing Prediction Using Expert Advice

no code implementations8 Nov 2017 Alexander Korotin, Vladimir V'yugin, Evgeny Burnaev

In the first one, at each step $t$ the learner has to combine the point forecasts of the experts issued for the time interval $[t+1, t+d]$ ahead.

Time Series Time Series Prediction

Meta-Learning for Resampling Recommendation Systems

1 code implementation6 Jun 2017 Smolyakov Dmitry, Alexander Korotin, Pavel Erofeev, Artem Papanov, Evgeny Burnaev

One possible approach to tackle the class imbalance in classification tasks is to resample a training dataset, i. e., to drop some of its elements or to synthesize new ones.

Classification General Classification +2

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