Search Results for author: Alexander Liniger

Found 35 papers, 14 papers with code

A Tricycle Model to Accurately Control an Autonomous Racecar with Locked Differential

no code implementations22 Dec 2023 Ayoub Raji, Nicola Musiu, Alessandro Toschi, Francesco Prignoli, Eugenio Mascaro, Pietro Musso, Francesco Amerotti, Alexander Liniger, Silvio Sorrentino, Marko Bertogna

In this paper, we present a novel formulation to model the effects of a locked differential on the lateral dynamics of an autonomous open-wheel racecar.

Object-centric Cross-modal Feature Distillation for Event-based Object Detection

no code implementations9 Nov 2023 Lei LI, Alexander Liniger, Mario Millhaeusler, Vagia Tsiminaki, Yuanyou Li, Dengxin Dai

In this paper, we develop a novel knowledge distillation approach to shrink the performance gap between these two modalities.

Knowledge Distillation Object +2

er.autopilot 1.0: The Full Autonomous Stack for Oval Racing at High Speeds

no code implementations27 Oct 2023 Ayoub Raji, Danilo Caporale, Francesco Gatti, Andrea Giove, Micaela Verucchi, Davide Malatesta, Nicola Musiu, Alessandro Toschi, Silviu Roberto Popitanu, Fabio Bagni, Massimiliano Bosi, Alexander Liniger, Marko Bertogna, Daniele Morra, Francesco Amerotti, Luca Bartoli, Federico Martello, Riccardo Porta

The Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC) brought together for the first time in history nine autonomous racing teams competing at unprecedented speed and in head-to-head scenario, using independently developed software on open-wheel racecars.

Autonomous Racing

U-BEV: Height-aware Bird's-Eye-View Segmentation and Neural Map-based Relocalization

no code implementations20 Oct 2023 Andrea Boscolo Camiletto, Alfredo Bochicchio, Alexander Liniger, Dengxin Dai, Abel Gawel

Efficient relocalization is essential for intelligent vehicles when GPS reception is insufficient or sensor-based localization fails.

Real-Time Motion Prediction via Heterogeneous Polyline Transformer with Relative Pose Encoding

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2023 Zhejun Zhang, Alexander Liniger, Christos Sakaridis, Fisher Yu, Luc van Gool

The real-world deployment of an autonomous driving system requires its components to run on-board and in real-time, including the motion prediction module that predicts the future trajectories of surrounding traffic participants.

Autonomous Driving motion prediction

Prior Based Online Lane Graph Extraction from Single Onboard Camera Image

no code implementations25 Jul 2023 Yigit Baran Can, Alexander Liniger, Danda Pani Paudel, Luc van Gool

Thus, online estimation of the lane graph is crucial for widespread and reliable autonomous navigation.

Autonomous Navigation

Improving Online Lane Graph Extraction by Object-Lane Clustering

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Yigit Baran Can, Alexander Liniger, Danda Pani Paudel, Luc van Gool

In this work, we propose an architecture and loss formulation to improve the accuracy of local lane graph estimates by using 3D object detection outputs.

3D Object Detection Autonomous Driving +4

Online Lane Graph Extraction from Onboard Video

no code implementations3 Apr 2023 Yigit Baran Can, Alexander Liniger, Danda Pani Paudel, Luc van Gool

One of the most common and useful representation of such an understanding is done in the form of BEV lane graphs.

Autonomous Driving Navigate

TrafficBots: Towards World Models for Autonomous Driving Simulation and Motion Prediction

3 code implementations7 Mar 2023 Zhejun Zhang, Alexander Liniger, Dengxin Dai, Fisher Yu, Luc van Gool

We present TrafficBots, a multi-agent policy built upon motion prediction and end-to-end driving, and based on TrafficBots we obtain a world model tailored for the planning module of autonomous vehicles.

Autonomous Driving Model-based Reinforcement Learning +1

A Multiplicative Value Function for Safe and Efficient Reinforcement Learning

1 code implementation7 Mar 2023 Nick Bührer, Zhejun Zhang, Alexander Liniger, Fisher Yu, Luc van Gool

To this end, we propose a safe model-free RL algorithm with a novel multiplicative value function consisting of a safety critic and a reward critic.

Navigate reinforcement-learning +4

Motion Planning and Control for Multi Vehicle Autonomous Racing at High Speeds

no code implementations22 Jul 2022 Ayoub Raji, Alexander Liniger, Andrea Giove, Alessandro Toschi, Nicola Musiu, Daniele Morra, Micaela Verucchi, Danilo Caporale, Marko Bertogna

This paper presents a multi-layer motion planning and control architecture for autonomous racing, capable of avoiding static obstacles, performing active overtakes, and reaching velocities above 75 $m/s$.

Autonomous Racing Motion Planning

Deep Gradient Learning for Efficient Camouflaged Object Detection

1 code implementation25 May 2022 Ge-Peng Ji, Deng-Ping Fan, Yu-Cheng Chou, Dengxin Dai, Alexander Liniger, Luc van Gool

This paper introduces DGNet, a novel deep framework that exploits object gradient supervision for camouflaged object detection (COD).

Defect Detection Object +4

Deep Interactive Motion Prediction and Planning: Playing Games with Motion Prediction Models

no code implementations5 Apr 2022 Jose L. Vazquez, Alexander Liniger, Wilko Schwarting, Daniela Rus, Luc van Gool

Fundamental to the success of our method is the design of a novel multi-agent policy network that can steer a vehicle given the state of the surrounding agents and the map information.

motion prediction Prediction

Adiabatic Quantum Computing for Multi Object Tracking

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Jan-Nico Zaech, Alexander Liniger, Martin Danelljan, Dengxin Dai, Luc van Gool

Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) is most often approached in the tracking-by-detection paradigm, where object detections are associated through time.

Multi-Object Tracking Object

End-to-End Learning of Multi-category 3D Pose and Shape Estimation

no code implementations19 Dec 2021 Yigit Baran Can, Alexander Liniger, Danda Pani Paudel, Luc van Gool

We use a Transformer-based architecture to detect the keypoints, as well as to summarize the visual context of the image.

Topology Preserving Local Road Network Estimation from Single Onboard Camera Image

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Yigit Baran Can, Alexander Liniger, Danda Pani Paudel, Luc van Gool

We represent the road topology using a set of directed lane curves and their interactions, which are captured using their intersection points.

Structured Bird's-Eye-View Traffic Scene Understanding from Onboard Images

2 code implementations ICCV 2021 Yigit Baran Can, Alexander Liniger, Danda Pani Paudel, Luc van Gool

In this work, we study the problem of extracting a directed graph representing the local road network in BEV coordinates, from a single onboard camera image.

Autonomous Navigation Lane Detection +1

End-to-End Urban Driving by Imitating a Reinforcement Learning Coach

2 code implementations ICCV 2021 Zhejun Zhang, Alexander Liniger, Dengxin Dai, Fisher Yu, Luc van Gool

Our end-to-end agent achieves a 78% success rate while generalizing to a new town and new weather on the NoCrash-dense benchmark and state-of-the-art performance on the challenging public routes of the CARLA LeaderBoard.

Autonomous Driving Imitation Learning +3

Decoder Fusion RNN: Context and Interaction Aware Decoders for Trajectory Prediction

no code implementations12 Aug 2021 Edoardo Mello Rella, Jan-Nico Zaech, Alexander Liniger, Luc van Gool

Forecasting the future behavior of all traffic agents in the vicinity is a key task to achieve safe and reliable autonomous driving systems.

Decoder Motion Forecasting +1

Learnable Online Graph Representations for 3D Multi-Object Tracking

no code implementations23 Apr 2021 Jan-Nico Zaech, Dengxin Dai, Alexander Liniger, Martin Danelljan, Luc van Gool

Tracking of objects in 3D is a fundamental task in computer vision that finds use in a wide range of applications such as autonomous driving, robotics or augmented reality.

3D Multi-Object Tracking Autonomous Driving

Understanding Bird's-Eye View of Road Semantics using an Onboard Camera

1 code implementation5 Dec 2020 Yigit Baran Can, Alexander Liniger, Ozan Unal, Danda Paudel, Luc van Gool

In this work, we study scene understanding in the form of online estimation of semantic BEV maps using the video input from a single onboard camera.

Autonomous Navigation Scene Understanding

Learning Accurate and Human-Like Driving using Semantic Maps and Attention

no code implementations10 Jul 2020 Simon Hecker, Dengxin Dai, Alexander Liniger, Luc van Gool

This paper investigates how end-to-end driving models can be improved to drive more accurately and human-like.

Competitive Policy Optimization

4 code implementations18 Jun 2020 Manish Prajapat, Kamyar Azizzadenesheli, Alexander Liniger, Yisong Yue, Anima Anandkumar

A core challenge in policy optimization in competitive Markov decision processes is the design of efficient optimization methods with desirable convergence and stability properties.

Policy Gradient Methods

Safe Motion Planning for Autonomous Driving using an Adversarial Road Model

1 code implementation15 May 2020 Alexander Liniger, Luc van Gool

This formulation allows us to compute safe sets using tools from viability theory, that can be used as terminal constraints in an optimization-based motion planner.

Robotics Systems and Control Systems and Control Optimization and Control

Action Sequence Predictions of Vehicles in Urban Environments using Map and Social Context

no code implementations29 Apr 2020 Jan-Nico Zaech, Dengxin Dai, Alexander Liniger, Luc van Gool

Our second contribution lies in applying the method to the well-known traffic agent tracking and prediction dataset Argoverse, resulting in 228, 000 action sequences.


Quantifying Data Augmentation for LiDAR based 3D Object Detection

no code implementations3 Apr 2020 Martin Hahner, Dengxin Dai, Alexander Liniger, Luc van Gool

In this work, we shed light on different data augmentation techniques commonly used in Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) based 3D Object Detection.

3D Object Detection Data Augmentation +3

Learning a Curve Guardian for Motorcycles

no code implementations12 Jul 2019 Simon Hecker, Alexander Liniger, Henrik Maurenbrecher, Dengxin Dai, Luc van Gool

Our contributes are fourfold: 1) we predict the motorcycle's intra-lane position using a convolutional neural network (CNN), 2) we predict the motorcycle roll angle using a CNN, 3) we use an upgraded controller model that incorporates road incline for a more realistic model and prediction, 4) we design a scale-able system by utilizing HERE Technologies map database to obtain the accurate road geometry of the future path.


Optimization-Based Autonomous Racing of 1:43 Scale RC Cars

5 code implementations20 Nov 2017 Alexander Liniger, Alexander Domahidi, Manfred Morari

This paper describes autonomous racing of RC race cars based on mathematical optimization.

Optimization and Control Robotics Systems and Control

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