Search Results for author: Alexander Raake

Found 11 papers, 7 papers with code

Power Reduction Opportunities on End-User Devices in Quality-Steady Video Streaming

no code implementations24 May 2023 Christian Herglotz, Werner Robitza, Alexander Raake, Tobias Hossfeld, André Kaup

We find that based on the power consumption of the streaming sessions from the crowdsourcing dataset, devices could save more than 55% of power if all participants adhere to low-power settings.

Audiovisual Database with 360 Video and Higher-Order Ambisonics Audio for Perception, Cognition, Behavior, and QoE Evaluation Research

no code implementations27 Dec 2022 Thomas Robotham, Ashutosh Singla, Olli S. Rummukainen, Alexander Raake, Emanuël A. P. Habets

Research into multi-modal perception, human cognition, behavior, and attention can benefit from high-fidelity content that may recreate real-life-like scenes when rendered on head-mounted displays.

Modeling of Energy Consumption and Streaming Video QoE using a Crowdsourcing Dataset

no code implementations11 Oct 2022 Christian Herglotz, Werner Robitza, Matthias Kränzler, André Kaup, Alexander Raake

In this paper, we perform a first analysis of both end-user power efficiency and Quality of Experience of a video streaming service.

Semantic-driven Colorization

1 code implementation13 Jun 2020 Man M. Ho, Lu Zhang, Alexander Raake, Jinjia Zhou

As a human experience in colorization, our brains first detect and recognize the objects in the photo, then imagine their plausible colors based on many similar objects we have seen in real life, and finally colorize them, as described in the teaser.


AVT-VQDB-UHD-1: A Large Scale Video Quality Database for UHD-1

1 code implementation IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia 2019 Rakesh Rao Ramachandra Rao, Steve Göring, Werner Robitza, Bernhard Feiten, Alexander Raake

In the second step, different state-of-the-art objective quality models were applied to all videos and their performance was analyzed in comparison with the subjective ratings, e. g. using Netflix's VMAF.


Evaluation of Intra-coding based image compression.

1 code implementation 8th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing 2019 Steve Göring, Alexander Raake

Beside classical image compression, e. g. JPEG, there is also ongoing development to use video codecs to compress images.

Image Compression

AVTrack360: An open Dataset and Software recording people's Head Rotations watching 360° Contents on an HMD

1 code implementation ACM Multimedia Systems Conference 2018 2018 Stephan Fremerey, Ashutosh Singla, Kay Meseberg, Alexander Raake

In case of videos, head-saliency data can be used for training saliency models, as information for evaluating decisions during content creation, or as part of streaming solutions for region-of-interest-specific coding as with the latest tile-based streaming solutions, as discussed also in standardization bodies such as MPEG.

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