Search Results for author: Alexander Radovic

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Dynamic Strategy Planning for Efficient Question Answering with Large Language Models

no code implementations30 Oct 2024 Tanmay Parekh, Pradyot Prakash, Alexander Radovic, Akshay Shekher, Denis Savenkov

Research has shown the effectiveness of reasoning (e. g., Chain-of-Thought), planning (e. g., SelfAsk), and retrieval augmented generation strategies to improve the performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) on various tasks, such as question answering.

Multi-hop Question Answering Question Answering +1

Efficient CDF Approximations for Normalizing Flows

1 code implementation23 Feb 2022 Chandramouli Shama Sastry, Andreas Lehrmann, Marcus Brubaker, Alexander Radovic

Instead, we build upon the diffeomorphic properties of normalizing flows and leverage the divergence theorem to estimate the CDF over a closed region in target space in terms of the flux across its \emph{boundary}, as induced by the normalizing flow.

Agent Forecasting at Flexible Horizons using ODE Flows

no code implementations ICML Workshop INNF 2021 Alexander Radovic, JiaWei He, Janahan Ramanan, Marcus A Brubaker, Andreas Lehrmann

In this work we describe OMEN, a neural ODE based normalizing flow for the prediction of marginal distributions at flexible evaluation horizons, and apply it to agent position forecasting.

Position Prediction

Machine Learning in High Energy Physics Community White Paper

no code implementations8 Jul 2018 Kim Albertsson, Piero Altoe, Dustin Anderson, John Anderson, Michael Andrews, Juan Pedro Araque Espinosa, Adam Aurisano, Laurent Basara, Adrian Bevan, Wahid Bhimji, Daniele Bonacorsi, Bjorn Burkle, Paolo Calafiura, Mario Campanelli, Louis Capps, Federico Carminati, Stefano Carrazza, Yi-fan Chen, Taylor Childers, Yann Coadou, Elias Coniavitis, Kyle Cranmer, Claire David, Douglas Davis, Andrea De Simone, Javier Duarte, Martin Erdmann, Jonas Eschle, Amir Farbin, Matthew Feickert, Nuno Filipe Castro, Conor Fitzpatrick, Michele Floris, Alessandra Forti, Jordi Garra-Tico, Jochen Gemmler, Maria Girone, Paul Glaysher, Sergei Gleyzer, Vladimir Gligorov, Tobias Golling, Jonas Graw, Lindsey Gray, Dick Greenwood, Thomas Hacker, John Harvey, Benedikt Hegner, Lukas Heinrich, Ulrich Heintz, Ben Hooberman, Johannes Junggeburth, Michael Kagan, Meghan Kane, Konstantin Kanishchev, Przemysław Karpiński, Zahari Kassabov, Gaurav Kaul, Dorian Kcira, Thomas Keck, Alexei Klimentov, Jim Kowalkowski, Luke Kreczko, Alexander Kurepin, Rob Kutschke, Valentin Kuznetsov, Nicolas Köhler, Igor Lakomov, Kevin Lannon, Mario Lassnig, Antonio Limosani, Gilles Louppe, Aashrita Mangu, Pere Mato, Narain Meenakshi, Helge Meinhard, Dario Menasce, Lorenzo Moneta, Seth Moortgat, Mark Neubauer, Harvey Newman, Sydney Otten, Hans Pabst, Michela Paganini, Manfred Paulini, Gabriel Perdue, Uzziel Perez, Attilio Picazio, Jim Pivarski, Harrison Prosper, Fernanda Psihas, Alexander Radovic, Ryan Reece, Aurelius Rinkevicius, Eduardo Rodrigues, Jamal Rorie, David Rousseau, Aaron Sauers, Steven Schramm, Ariel Schwartzman, Horst Severini, Paul Seyfert, Filip Siroky, Konstantin Skazytkin, Mike Sokoloff, Graeme Stewart, Bob Stienen, Ian Stockdale, Giles Strong, Wei Sun, Savannah Thais, Karen Tomko, Eli Upfal, Emanuele Usai, Andrey Ustyuzhanin, Martin Vala, Justin Vasel, Sofia Vallecorsa, Mauro Verzetti, Xavier Vilasís-Cardona, Jean-Roch Vlimant, Ilija Vukotic, Sean-Jiun Wang, Gordon Watts, Michael Williams, Wenjing Wu, Stefan Wunsch, Kun Yang, Omar Zapata

In this document we discuss promising future research and development areas for machine learning in particle physics.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

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