no code implementations • 4 Mar 2021 • Rati Gelashvili, Lefteris Kokoris-Kogias, Alexander Spiegelman, Zhuolun Xiang
The state-of-the-art partially synchronous BFT SMR protocols provide optimal linear communication cost per decision under synchrony and good leaders, but lose liveness under asynchrony.
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing Cryptography and Security
5 code implementations • 16 Feb 2021 • Idit Keidar, Eleftherios Kokoris-Kogias, Oded Naor, Alexander Spiegelman
We present DAG-Rider, the first asynchronous Byzantine Atomic Broadcast protocol that achieves optimal resilience, optimal amortized communication complexity, and optimal time complexity.
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
no code implementations • 24 Aug 2016 • Heidi Howard, Dahlia Malkhi, Alexander Spiegelman
We show that Flexible Paxos is safe, efficient and easy to utilize in existing distributed systems.
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing C.2.4