Search Results for author: Alexander Thorley

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Development of Automated Neural Network Prediction for Echocardiographic Left ventricular Ejection Fraction

no code implementations18 Mar 2024 Yuting Zhang, Boyang Liu, Karina V. Bunting, David Brind, Alexander Thorley, Andreas Karwath, Wenqi Lu, Diwei Zhou, Xiaoxia Wang, Alastair R. Mobley, Otilia Tica, Georgios Gkoutos, Dipak Kotecha, Jinming Duan

Within the pipeline, an Atrous Convolutional Neural Network (ACNN) was first trained to segment the left ventricle (LV), before employing the area-length formulation based on the ellipsoid single-plane model to calculate LVEF values.

Ensemble Learning

Fourier-Net+: Leveraging Band-Limited Representation for Efficient 3D Medical Image Registration

1 code implementation6 Jul 2023 Xi Jia, Alexander Thorley, Alberto Gomez, Wenqi Lu, Dipak Kotecha, Jinming Duan

Instead of directly predicting a full-resolution displacement field, our Fourier-Net learns a low-dimensional representation of the displacement field in the band-limited Fourier domain which our model-driven decoder converts to a full-resolution displacement field in the spatial domain.

Decoder Medical Image Registration +1

Nesterov Accelerated ADMM for Fast Diffeomorphic Image Registration

no code implementations26 Sep 2021 Alexander Thorley, Xi Jia, Hyung Jin Chang, Boyang Liu, Karina Bunting, Victoria Stoll, Antonio de Marvao, Declan P. O'Regan, Georgios Gkoutos, Dipak Kotecha, Jinming Duan

Recent developments in stochastic approaches based on deep learning have achieved sub-second runtimes for DiffIR with competitive registration accuracy, offering a fast alternative to conventional iterative methods.

Deep Learning Image Registration

Learning a Model-Driven Variational Network for Deformable Image Registration

no code implementations25 May 2021 Xi Jia, Alexander Thorley, Wei Chen, Huaqi Qiu, Linlin Shen, Iain B Styles, Hyung Jin Chang, Ales Leonardis, Antonio de Marvao, Declan P. O'Regan, Daniel Rueckert, Jinming Duan

We then propose two neural layers (i. e. warping layer and intensity consistency layer) to model the analytical solution and a residual U-Net to formulate the denoising problem (i. e. generalized denoising layer).

Deep Learning Denoising +1

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