Search Results for author: Alexander Timans

Found 5 papers, 4 papers with code

Conformal time series decomposition with component-wise exchangeability

1 code implementation24 Jun 2024 Derck W. E. Prinzhorn, Thijmen Nijdam, Putri A. van der Linden, Alexander Timans

We find that the method provides promising results on well-structured time series, but can be limited by factors such as the decomposition step for more complex data.

Conformal Prediction Prediction Intervals +3

Adaptive Bounding Box Uncertainties via Two-Step Conformal Prediction

1 code implementation12 Mar 2024 Alexander Timans, Christoph-Nikolas Straehle, Kaspar Sakmann, Eric Nalisnick

Thus, we develop a novel two-step conformal approach that propagates uncertainty in predicted class labels into the uncertainty intervals of bounding boxes.

Autonomous Driving Conformal Prediction +4

A powerful rank-based correction to multiple testing under positive dependency

no code implementations17 Nov 2023 Alexander Timans, Christoph-Nikolas Straehle, Kaspar Sakmann, Eric Nalisnick

We develop a novel multiple hypothesis testing correction with family-wise error rate (FWER) control that efficiently exploits positive dependencies between potentially correlated statistical hypothesis tests.

Conformal Prediction

Uncertainty Quantification for Image-based Traffic Prediction across Cities

1 code implementation11 Aug 2023 Alexander Timans, Nina Wiedemann, Nishant Kumar, Ye Hong, Martin Raubal

We compare two epistemic and two aleatoric UQ methods on both temporal and spatio-temporal transfer tasks, and find that meaningful uncertainty estimates can be recovered.

Decision Making Decision Making Under Uncertainty +3

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