Search Results for author: Alexander Valentinitsch

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Geometrically Inspired Kernel Machines for Collaborative Learning Beyond Gradient Descent

no code implementations5 Jul 2024 Mohit Kumar, Alexander Valentinitsch, Magdalena Fuchs, Mathias Brucker, Juliana Bowles, Adnan Husakovic, Ali Abbas, Bernhard A. Moser

This paper develops a novel mathematical framework for collaborative learning by means of geometrically inspired kernel machines which includes statements on the bounds of generalisation and approximation errors, and sample complexity.

Probabilistic Point Cloud Reconstructions for Vertebral Shape Analysis

no code implementations22 Jul 2019 Anjany Sekuboyina, Markus Rempfler, Alexander Valentinitsch, Maximilian Loeffler, Jan S. Kirschke, Bjoern H. Menze

We propose an auto-encoding network architecture for point clouds (PC) capable of extracting shape signatures without supervision.


A Localisation-Segmentation Approach for Multi-label Annotation of Lumbar Vertebrae using Deep Nets

no code implementations13 Mar 2017 Anjany Sekuboyina, Alexander Valentinitsch, Jan S. Kirschke, Bjoern H. Menze

The first stage employs a multi-layered perceptron performing non-linear regression for locating the lumbar region using the global context.

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