no code implementations • ACL 2021 • Alexandra Luccioni, Joseph Viviano
Whereas much of the success of the current generation of neural language models has been driven by increasingly large training corpora, relatively little research has been dedicated to analyzing these massive sources of textual data.
no code implementations • 21 Mar 2021 • Charles A. Kantor, Marta Skreta, Brice Rauby, Léonard Boussioux, Emmanuel Jehanno, Alexandra Luccioni, David Rolnick, Hugues Talbot
Fine-grained classification aims at distinguishing between items with similar global perception and patterns, but that differ by minute details.
1 code implementation • 3 Nov 2020 • Alexandra Luccioni, Emily Baylor, Nicolas Duchene
Climate change is a far-reaching, global phenomenon that will impact many aspects of our society, including the global stock market \cite{dietz2016climate}.
no code implementations • 13 Aug 2020 • Alexandra Luccioni, Joseph Bullock, Katherine Hoffmann Pham, Cynthia Sin Nga Lam, Miguel Luengo-Oroz
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a major challenge to humanity, with 12. 7 million confirmed cases as of July 13th, 2020 [1].
no code implementations • 25 Mar 2020 • Joseph Bullock, Alexandra Luccioni, Katherine Hoffmann Pham, Cynthia Sin Nga Lam, Miguel Luengo-Oroz
COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, which has reported over 18 million confirmed cases as of August 5, 2020.
no code implementations • 26 Jan 2020 • Gautier Cosne, Adrien Juraver, Mélisande Teng, Victor Schmidt, Vahe Vardanyan, Alexandra Luccioni, Yoshua Bengio
In our paper, we explore the potential of using images from a simulated 3D environment to improve a domain adaptation task carried out by the MUNIT architecture, aiming to use the resulting images to raise awareness of the potential future impacts of climate change.
no code implementations • 26 Dec 2019 • Alexandra Luccioni, Yoshua Bengio
Much of the existing research on the social and ethical impact of Artificial Intelligence has been focused on defining ethical principles and guidelines surrounding Machine Learning (ML) and other Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms [IEEE, 2017, Jobin et al., 2019].
no code implementations • 22 Oct 2019 • Sharon Zhou, Alexandra Luccioni, Gautier Cosne, Michael S. Bernstein, Yoshua Bengio
Because metrics for comparing the realism of different modes in a conditional generative model do not exist, we propose several automated and human-based methods for evaluation.
2 code implementations • 21 Oct 2019 • Alexandre Lacoste, Alexandra Luccioni, Victor Schmidt, Thomas Dandres
From an environmental standpoint, there are a few crucial aspects of training a neural network that have a major impact on the quantity of carbon that it emits.
3 code implementations • 10 Jun 2019 • David Rolnick, Priya L. Donti, Lynn H. Kaack, Kelly Kochanski, Alexandre Lacoste, Kris Sankaran, Andrew Slavin Ross, Nikola Milojevic-Dupont, Natasha Jaques, Anna Waldman-Brown, Alexandra Luccioni, Tegan Maharaj, Evan D. Sherwin, S. Karthik Mukkavilli, Konrad P. Kording, Carla Gomes, Andrew Y. Ng, Demis Hassabis, John C. Platt, Felix Creutzig, Jennifer Chayes, Yoshua Bengio
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity, and we, as machine learning experts, may wonder how we can help.
no code implementations • 2 May 2019 • Victor Schmidt, Alexandra Luccioni, S. Karthik Mukkavilli, Narmada Balasooriya, Kris Sankaran, Jennifer Chayes, Yoshua Bengio
We present a project that aims to generate images that depict accurate, vivid, and personalized outcomes of climate change using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks (CycleGANs).