Search Results for author: Alexandre Pouget

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

A Local Temporal Difference Code for Distributional Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Pablo Tano, Peter Dayan, Alexandre Pouget

Recent theoretical and experimental results suggest that the dopamine system implements distributional temporal difference backups, allowing learning of the entire distributions of the long-run values of states rather than just their expected values.

Distributional Reinforcement Learning Imputation +3

Dynamic allocation of limited memory resources in reinforcement learning

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Nisheet Patel, Luigi Acerbi, Alexandre Pouget

We derive from first principles an algorithm, Dynamic Resource Allocator (DRA), which we apply to two standard tasks in reinforcement learning and a model-based planning task, and find that it allocates more resources to items in memory that have a higher impact on cumulative rewards.

Neurons and Cognition

Optimal decision-making with time-varying evidence reliability

no code implementations NeurIPS 2014 Jan Drugowitsch, Ruben Moreno-Bote, Alexandre Pouget

The work presented here describes the computation and characterization of optimal decision-making in the more realistic case of an evidence reliability that varies across time even within a trial.

Decision Making

Complex Inference in Neural Circuits with Probabilistic Population Codes and Topic Models

no code implementations NeurIPS 2012 Jeff Beck, Alexandre Pouget, Katherine A. Heller

This ability requires a neural code that represents probability distributions and neural circuits that are capable of implementing the operations of probabilistic inference.

Decision Making Document Classification +2

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