no code implementations • IWSLT 2016 • Alexandros Lazaridis, Ivan Himawan, Petr Motlicek, Iosif Mporas, Philip N. Garner
We experiment with three different scenarios using, i) French, as a source language uncorrelated to the target language, ii) Ukrainian, as a source language correlated to the target one and finally iii) English as a source language uncorrelated to the target language using a relatively large amount of data in respect to the other two scenarios.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Larissa Schmidt, Lucy Linder, Sandra Djambazovska, Alexandros Lazaridis, Tanja Samardžić, Claudiu Musat
To alleviate the uncertainty associated with this diversity, we complement the pairs of Swiss German - High German words with the Swiss German phonetic transcriptions (SAMPA).
1 code implementation • CONLL 2019 • Noémien Kocher, Christian Scuito, Lorenzo Tarantino, Alexandros Lazaridis, Andreas Fischer, Claudiu Musat
We denote this a token order imbalance (TOI) and we link the partial sequence information loss to a diminished performance of the system as a whole, both in text and speech processing tasks.
Ranked #30 on Language Modelling on WikiText-2
no code implementations • 15 Apr 2016 • Milos Cernak, Alexandros Lazaridis, Afsaneh Asaei, Philip N. Garner
Segmental errors are further propagated to optional suprasegmental (such as syllable) information coding.
no code implementations • 22 Jan 2016 • Milos Cernak, Stefan Benus, Alexandros Lazaridis
Using phonological speech vocoding, we propose a platform for exploring relations between phonology and speech processing, and in broader terms, for exploring relations between the abstract and physical structures of a speech signal.