Search Results for author: Alexandru Cioba

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Sample-efficient Bayesian Optimisation Using Known Invariances

2 code implementations22 Oct 2024 Theodore Brown, Alexandru Cioba, Ilija Bogunovic

We derive a bound on the maximum information gain of these invariant kernels, and provide novel upper and lower bounds on the number of observations required for invariance-aware BO algorithms to achieve $\epsilon$-optimality.

Bayesian Optimisation

How to distribute data across tasks for meta-learning?

no code implementations15 Mar 2021 Alexandru Cioba, Michael Bromberg, Qian Wang, Ritwik Niyogi, Georgios Batzolis, Jezabel Garcia, Da-Shan Shiu, Alberto Bernacchia

We show that: 1) If tasks are homogeneous, there is a uniform optimal allocation, whereby all tasks get the same amount of data; 2) At fixed budget, there is a trade-off between number of tasks and number of data points per task, with a unique solution for the optimum; 3) When trained separately, harder task should get more data, at the cost of a smaller number of tasks; 4) When training on a mixture of easy and hard tasks, more data should be allocated to easy tasks.

Few-Shot Image Classification Meta-Learning

Optimal allocation of data across training tasks in meta-learning

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Georgios Batzolis, Alberto Bernacchia, Da-Shan Shiu, Michael Bromberg, Alexandru Cioba

They are tested on benchmarks with a fixed number of data-points for each training task, and this number is usually arbitrary, for example, 5 instances per class in few-shot classification.

Few-Shot Image Classification Meta-Learning +1

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