Search Results for author: Alexej Gossmann

Found 13 papers, 9 papers with code

Contextual unsupervised deep clustering in digital pathology

1 code implementation Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning 2024 Mariia Sidulova, Seyed Kahaki, Ian Hagemann, Alexej Gossmann

Clustering can be used in medical imaging research to identify different domains within a specific dataset, aiding in a better understanding of subgroups or strata that may not have been annotated.

Clustering Deep Clustering +1

M-HOF-Opt: Multi-Objective Hierarchical Output Feedback Optimization via Multiplier Induced Loss Landscape Scheduling

1 code implementation20 Mar 2024 Xudong Sun, Nutan Chen, Alexej Gossmann, Yu Xing, Carla Feistner, Emilio Dorigatt, Felix Drost, Daniele Scarcella, Lisa Beer, Carsten Marr

We address the online combinatorial choice of weight multipliers for multi-objective optimization of many loss terms parameterized by neural works via a probabilistic graphical model (PGM) for the joint model parameter and multiplier evolution process, with a hypervolume based likelihood promoting multi-objective descent.

Domain Generalization Scheduling

Designing monitoring strategies for deployed machine learning algorithms: navigating performativity through a causal lens

no code implementations20 Nov 2023 Jean Feng, Adarsh Subbaswamy, Alexej Gossmann, Harvineet Singh, Berkman Sahiner, Mi-Ok Kim, Gene Pennello, Nicholas Petrick, Romain Pirracchio, Fan Xia

When an ML algorithm interacts with its environment, the algorithm can affect the data-generating mechanism and be a major source of bias when evaluating its standalone performance, an issue known as performativity.

Causal Inference Ethics

Is this model reliable for everyone? Testing for strong calibration

1 code implementation28 Jul 2023 Jean Feng, Alexej Gossmann, Romain Pirracchio, Nicholas Petrick, Gene Pennello, Berkman Sahiner

In a well-calibrated risk prediction model, the average predicted probability is close to the true event rate for any given subgroup.


Monitoring machine learning (ML)-based risk prediction algorithms in the presence of confounding medical interventions

1 code implementation17 Nov 2022 Jean Feng, Alexej Gossmann, Gene Pennello, Nicholas Petrick, Berkman Sahiner, Romain Pirracchio

Performance monitoring of machine learning (ML)-based risk prediction models in healthcare is complicated by the issue of confounding medical interventions (CMI): when an algorithm predicts a patient to be at high risk for an adverse event, clinicians are more likely to administer prophylactic treatment and alter the very target that the algorithm aims to predict.

Bayesian Inference Selection bias +1

Sequential algorithmic modification with test data reuse

no code implementations21 Mar 2022 Jean Feng, Gene Pennello, Nicholas Petrick, Berkman Sahiner, Romain Pirracchio, Alexej Gossmann

Each modification introduces a risk of deteriorating performance and must be validated on a test dataset.

Bayesian logistic regression for online recalibration and revision of risk prediction models with performance guarantees

1 code implementation13 Oct 2021 Jean Feng, Alexej Gossmann, Berkman Sahiner, Romain Pirracchio

In the COPD study, BLR and MarBLR dynamically combined the original model with a continually-refitted gradient boosted tree to achieve aAUCs of 0. 924 (95%CI 0. 913-0. 935) and 0. 925 (95%CI 0. 914-0. 935), compared to the static model's aAUC of 0. 904 (95%CI 0. 892-0. 916).


Variational Resampling Based Assessment of Deep Neural Networks under Distribution Shift

1 code implementation7 Jun 2019 Xudong Sun, Alexej Gossmann, Yu Wang, Bernd Bischl

A novel variational inference based resampling framework is proposed to evaluate the robustness and generalization capability of deep learning models with respect to distribution shift.

Domain Generalization General Classification +3

Multimodal Sparse Classifier for Adolescent Brain Age Prediction

no code implementations1 Apr 2019 Peyman Hosseinzadeh Kassani, Alexej Gossmann, Yu-Ping Wang

The study of healthy brain development helps to better understand the brain transformation and brain connectivity patterns which happen during childhood to adulthood.

FDR-Corrected Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis with Applications to Imaging Genomics

1 code implementation11 May 2017 Alexej Gossmann, Pascal Zille, Vince Calhoun, Yu-Ping Wang

Here we propose a way of applying the FDR concept to sparse CCA, and a method to control the FDR.

Group SLOPE - adaptive selection of groups of predictors

1 code implementation17 Oct 2016 Damian Brzyski, Alexej Gossmann, Weijie Su, Malgorzata Bogdan

Sorted L-One Penalized Estimation (SLOPE) is a relatively new convex optimization procedure which allows for adaptive selection of regressors under sparse high dimensional designs.

Methodology 46N10 G.1.6

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