Search Results for author: Aliasghar Mortazi

Found 8 papers, 1 papers with code

Selecting the Best Optimizers for Deep Learning based Medical Image Segmentation

no code implementations5 Feb 2023 Aliasghar Mortazi, Vedat Cicek, Elif Keles, Ulas Bagci

To this end, we proposed a new cyclic optimization method (\textit{CLMR}) to address the efficiency and accuracy problems in deep learning based medical image segmentation.

Image Segmentation Medical Image Segmentation +2

Weakly Supervised Segmentation by A Deep Geodesic Prior

no code implementations18 Aug 2019 Aliasghar Mortazi, Naji Khosravan, Drew A. Torigian, Sila Kurugol, Ulas Bagci

To alleviate this limitation, in this study, we propose a weakly supervised image segmentation method based on a deep geodesic prior.

Image Segmentation Segmentation +2

PAN: Projective Adversarial Network for Medical Image Segmentation

no code implementations11 Jun 2019 Naji Khosravan, Aliasghar Mortazi, Michael Wallace, Ulas Bagci

Adversarial learning has been proven to be effective for capturing long-range and high-level label consistencies in semantic segmentation.

Image Segmentation Pancreas Segmentation +2

Automatically Designing CNN Architectures for Medical Image Segmentation

no code implementations19 Jul 2018 Aliasghar Mortazi, Ulas Bagci

Deep neural network architectures have traditionally been designed and explored with human expertise in a long-lasting trial-and-error process.

Decoder Image Segmentation +4

CardiacNET: Segmentation of Left Atrium and Proximal Pulmonary Veins from MRI Using Multi-View CNN

no code implementations17 May 2017 Aliasghar Mortazi, Rashed Karim, Kawal Rhode, Jeremy Burt, Ulas Bagci

Anatomical and biophysical modeling of left atrium (LA) and proximal pulmonary veins (PPVs) is important for clinical management of several cardiac diseases.

Cardiac Segmentation Image Segmentation +4

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