Search Results for author: Alireza Vafaei Sadr

Found 6 papers, 4 papers with code

U-Net-based Models for Skin Lesion Segmentation: More Attention and Augmentation

1 code implementation28 Oct 2022 Pooya Mohammadi Kazaj, MohammadHossein Koosheshi, Ali Shahedi, Alireza Vafaei Sadr

Finally, our experiments show that models that have exploited attention modules successfully overcome common skin lesion segmentation problems.

Data Augmentation Lesion Segmentation +2

Learning to Detect Interesting Anomalies

no code implementations28 Oct 2022 Alireza Vafaei Sadr, Bruce A. Bassett, Emmanuel Sekyi

This approach, AHUNT, shows excellent performance on MNIST, CIFAR10, and Galaxy-DESI data, significantly outperforming both standard anomaly detection and active learning algorithms with static feature spaces.

Active Learning Anomaly Detection +2

Deep Learning improves identification of Radio Frequency Interference

1 code implementation18 May 2020 Alireza Vafaei Sadr, Bruce A. Bassett, Nadeem Oozeer, Yabebal Fantaye, Chris Finlay

Our results strongly suggest that deep learning on simulations, boosted by transfer learning on real data, will likely play a key role in the future of RFI flagging of radio astronomy data.

Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics

Inpainting via Generative Adversarial Networks for CMB data analysis

1 code implementation8 Apr 2020 Alireza Vafaei Sadr, Farida Farsian

In this work, we propose a new method to inpaint the CMB signal in regions masked out following a point source extraction process.

Generative Adversarial Network

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