Search Results for author: Alistair Young

Found 7 papers, 3 papers with code

MorphiNet: A Graph Subdivision Network for Adaptive Bi-ventricle Surface Reconstruction

1 code implementation14 Dec 2024 Yu Deng, Yiyang Xu, Linglong Qian, Charlene Mauger, Anastasia Nasopoulou, Steven Williams, Michelle Williams, Steven Niederer, David Newby, Andrew McCulloch, Jeff Omens, Kuberan Pushprajah, Alistair Young

This approach represents a significant advancement in addressing the challenges of CMR-based heart model reconstruction, potentially improving digital twin computational analyses of cardiac structure and functions.

Anatomy Surface Reconstruction

Cardiac ultrasound simulation for autonomous ultrasound navigation

no code implementations9 Feb 2024 Abdoul Aziz Amadou, Laura Peralta, Paul Dryburgh, Paul Klein, Kaloian Petkov, Richard James Housden, Vivek Singh, Rui Liao, Young-Ho Kim, Florin Christian Ghesu, Tommaso Mansi, Ronak Rajani, Alistair Young, Kawal Rhode

However, the image quality varies with operator skills as acquiring and interpreting ultrasound images requires extensive training due to the imaging artefacts, the range of acquisition parameters and the variability of patient anatomies.

Image Generation

Quality-aware Cine Cardiac MRI Reconstruction and Analysis from Undersampled k-space Data

no code implementations16 Sep 2021 Ines Machado, Esther Puyol-Anton, Kerstin Hammernik, Gastao Cruz, Devran Ugurlu, Bram Ruijsink, Miguel Castelo-Branco, Alistair Young, Claudia Prieto, Julia A. Schnabel, Andrew P. King

The framework consists of a deep learning model for the reconstruction of 2D+t cardiac cine MRI images from undersampled data, an image quality-control step to detect good quality reconstructions, followed by a deep learning model for bi-ventricular segmentation, a quality-control step to detect good quality segmentations and automated calculation of cardiac functional parameters.

MRI Reconstruction

4DFlowNet: Super-Resolution 4D Flow MRI using Deep Learning and Computational Fluid Dynamics

1 code implementation15 Apr 2020 Edward Ferdian, Avan Suinesiaputra, David Dubowitz, Debbie Zhao, Alan Wang, Brett Cowan, Alistair Young

4D-flow magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an emerging imaging technique where spatiotemporal 3D blood velocity can be captured with full volumetric coverage in a single non-invasive examination.


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