Search Results for author: Alvin Rajkomar

Found 6 papers, 2 papers with code

SDOH-NLI: a Dataset for Inferring Social Determinants of Health from Clinical Notes

no code implementations27 Oct 2023 Adam D. Lelkes, Eric Loreaux, Tal Schuster, Ming-Jun Chen, Alvin Rajkomar

We evaluate both "off-the-shelf" entailment models as well as models fine-tuned on our data, and highlight the ways in which our dataset appears more challenging than commonly used NLI datasets.

Natural Language Inference

Modelling EHR timeseries by restricting feature interaction

no code implementations14 Nov 2019 Kun Zhang, Yuan Xue, Gerardo Flores, Alvin Rajkomar, Claire Cui, Andrew M. Dai

Time series data are prevalent in electronic health records, mostly in the form of physiological parameters such as vital signs and lab tests.

Mortality Prediction Time Series +1

Improved Hierarchical Patient Classification with Language Model Pretraining over Clinical Notes

1 code implementation6 Sep 2019 Jonas Kemp, Alvin Rajkomar, Andrew M. Dai

Clinical notes in electronic health records contain highly heterogeneous writing styles, including non-standard terminology or abbreviations.

General Classification Language Modelling

Explaining an increase in predicted risk for clinical alerts

no code implementations10 Jul 2019 Michaela Hardt, Alvin Rajkomar, Gerardo Flores, Andrew Dai, Michael Howell, Greg Corrado, Claire Cui, Moritz Hardt

We consider explanations in a temporal setting where a stateful dynamical model produces a sequence of risk estimates given an input at each time step.


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