Search Results for author: Ambuj K. Singh

Found 9 papers, 1 papers with code

GraphEval2000: Benchmarking and Improving Large Language Models on Graph Datasets

no code implementations23 Jun 2024 Qiming Wu, Zichen Chen, Will Corcoran, Misha Sra, Ambuj K. Singh

To address this gap, we introduce GraphEval2000, the first comprehensive graph dataset, comprising 40 graph data structure problems along with 2000 test cases.


IDKM: Memory Efficient Neural Network Quantization via Implicit, Differentiable k-Means

no code implementations12 Dec 2023 Sean Jaffe, Ambuj K. Singh, Francesco Bullo

We also introduce a variant, IDKM with Jacobian-Free-Backpropagation (IDKM-JFB), for which the time complexity of the gradient calculation is independent of $t$ as well.

Efficient Neural Network Quantization

Learning Interpretable Models for Coupled Networks Under Domain Constraints

no code implementations19 Apr 2021 Hongyuan You, Sikun Lin, Ambuj K. Singh

This not only leads to a cleaner way of applying network constraints but also provides a more scalable solution when network connectivity is sparse.

Functional Connectivity

Expertise and confidence explain how social influence evolves along intellective tasks

1 code implementation13 Nov 2020 Omid Askarisichani, Elizabeth Y. Huang, Kekoa S. Sato, Noah E. Friedkin, Francesco Bullo, Ambuj K. Singh

Lastly, we propose a novel approach using deep neural networks on a pre-trained text embedding model for predicting the influence of individuals.

DANR: Discrepancy-aware Network Regularization

no code implementations31 May 2020 Hongyuan You, Furkan Kocayusufoglu, Ambuj K. Singh

Network regularization is an effective tool for incorporating structural prior knowledge to learn coherent models over networks, and has yielded provably accurate estimates in applications ranging from spatial economics to neuroimaging studies.

Estimating localized complexity of white-matter wiring with GANs

no code implementations2 Oct 2019 Haraldur T. Hallgrimsson, Richika Sharan, Scott T. Grafton, Ambuj K. Singh

Our proposed method builds on a Bayesian estimate of heteroscedastic aleatoric uncertainty of a region of white matter by inpainting it from its context.

Image Inpainting

Spatial Coherence of Oriented White Matter Microstructure: Applications to White Matter Regions Associated with Genetic Similarity

no code implementations14 Feb 2018 Haraldur T. Hallgrímsson, Matthew Cieslak, Luca Foschini, Scott T. Grafton, Ambuj K. Singh

Furthermore, we show that the orientation similarity within these regions generalizes to a subset of 47 pairs of non-twin siblings, and show that these siblings are on average as similar as dizygotic twins.

Behavior Query Discovery in System-Generated Temporal Graphs

no code implementations18 Nov 2015 Bo Zong, Xusheng Xiao, Zhichun Li, Zhen-Yu Wu, Zhiyun Qian, Xifeng Yan, Ambuj K. Singh, Guofei Jiang

In this work, we investigate how to query temporal graphs and treat query formulation as a discriminative temporal graph pattern mining problem.

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