Search Results for author: Amin Beheshti

Found 23 papers, 6 papers with code

Transformer-based Models for Long Document Summarisation in Financial Domain

no code implementations FNP (LREC) 2022 Urvashi Khanna, Samira Ghodratnama, Diego Moll ́a, Amin Beheshti

Summarisation of long financial documents is a challenging task due to the lack of large-scale datasets and the need for domain knowledge experts to create human-written summaries.


FTA-FTL: A Fine-Tuned Aggregation Federated Transfer Learning Scheme for Lithology Microscopic Image Classification

2 code implementations6 Jan 2025 Keyvan RahimiZadeh, Ahmad Taheri, Jan Baumbach, Esmael Makarian, Abbas Dehghani, Bahman Ravaei, Bahman Javadi, Amin Beheshti

In the second phase, we formulated the classification task to a Federated Transfer Learning (FTL) scheme and proposed a Fine-Tuned Aggregation strategy for Federated Learning (FTA-FTL).

Data Augmentation Federated Learning +3

PersoBench: Benchmarking Personalized Response Generation in Large Language Models

no code implementations4 Oct 2024 Saleh Afzoon, Usman Naseem, Amin Beheshti, Zahra Jamali

We assess the performance of three open-source and three closed-source LLMs using well-known datasets and a range of metrics.

Benchmarking Dialogue Generation +2

Natural Language-Oriented Programming (NLOP): Towards Democratizing Software Creation

no code implementations8 Jun 2024 Amin Beheshti

As generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies evolve, they offer unprecedented potential to automate and enhance various tasks, including coding.

Graph Neural Networks for Brain Graph Learning: A Survey

no code implementations1 Jun 2024 Xuexiong Luo, Jia Wu, Jian Yang, Shan Xue, Amin Beheshti, Quan Z. Sheng, David Mcalpine, Paul Sowman, Alexis Giral, Philip S. Yu

Exploring the complex structure of the human brain is crucial for understanding its functionality and diagnosing brain disorders.

Graph Learning Survey

RETTA: Retrieval-Enhanced Test-Time Adaptation for Zero-Shot Video Captioning

no code implementations11 May 2024 Yunchuan Ma, Laiyun Qing, Guorong Li, Yuankai Qi, Amin Beheshti, Quan Z. Sheng, Qingming Huang

Specifically, we bridge video and text using four key models: a general video-text retrieval model XCLIP, a general image-text matching model CLIP, a text alignment model AnglE, and a text generation model GPT-2, due to their source-code availability.

Image-text matching Test-time Adaptation +6

When Eye-Tracking Meets Machine Learning: A Systematic Review on Applications in Medical Image Analysis

no code implementations12 Mar 2024 Sahar Moradizeyveh, Mehnaz Tabassum, Sidong Liu, Robert Ahadizad Newport, Amin Beheshti, Antonio Di Ieva

Eye-gaze tracking research offers significant promise in enhancing various healthcare-related tasks, above all in medical image analysis and interpretation.

Decision Making Medical Image Analysis

StyleDubber: Towards Multi-Scale Style Learning for Movie Dubbing

1 code implementation20 Feb 2024 Gaoxiang Cong, Yuankai Qi, Liang Li, Amin Beheshti, Zhedong Zhang, Anton Van Den Hengel, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Chenggang Yan, Qingming Huang

Given a script, the challenge in Movie Dubbing (Visual Voice Cloning, V2C) is to generate speech that aligns well with the video in both time and emotion, based on the tone of a reference audio track.

Voice Cloning

FedLPS: Heterogeneous Federated Learning for Multiple Tasks with Local Parameter Sharing

1 code implementation13 Feb 2024 Yongzhe Jia, Xuyun Zhang, Amin Beheshti, Wanchun Dou

FedLPS leverages principles from transfer learning to facilitate the deployment of multiple tasks on a single device by dividing the local model into a shareable encoder and task-specific encoders.

Edge-computing Federated Learning +1

Empowering Precision Medicine: AI-Driven Schizophrenia Diagnosis via EEG Signals: A Comprehensive Review from 2002-2023

no code implementations14 Sep 2023 Mahboobeh Jafari, Delaram Sadeghi, Afshin Shoeibi, Hamid Alinejad-Rokny, Amin Beheshti, David López García, Zhaolin Chen, U. Rajendra Acharya, Juan M. Gorriz

Subsequently, review papers in this field are discussed, followed by an introduction to the AI methods employed for SZ diagnosis and a summary of relevant papers presented in tabular form.


OptIForest: Optimal Isolation Forest for Anomaly Detection

1 code implementation22 Jun 2023 Haolong Xiang, Xuyun Zhang, Hongsheng Hu, Lianyong Qi, Wanchun Dou, Mark Dras, Amin Beheshti, Xiaolong Xu

Extensive experiments on a series of benchmarking datasets for comparative and ablation studies demonstrate that our approach can efficiently and robustly achieve better detection performance in general than the state-of-the-arts including the deep learning based methods.

Anomaly Detection Benchmarking +1

A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Summarization with Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations13 Feb 2023 Nasrin Shabani, Jia Wu, Amin Beheshti, Quan Z. Sheng, Jin Foo, Venus Haghighi, Ambreen Hanif, Maryam Shahabikargar

Hence, this paper presents a comprehensive survey of progress in deep learning summarization techniques that rely on graph neural networks (GNNs).

Graph Attention Survey

DAGAD: Data Augmentation for Graph Anomaly Detection

1 code implementation18 Oct 2022 Fanzhen Liu, Xiaoxiao Ma, Jia Wu, Jian Yang, Shan Xue, Amin Beheshti, Chuan Zhou, Hao Peng, Quan Z. Sheng, Charu C. Aggarwal

To bridge the gaps, this paper devises a novel Data Augmentation-based Graph Anomaly Detection (DAGAD) framework for attributed graphs, equipped with three specially designed modules: 1) an information fusion module employing graph neural network encoders to learn representations, 2) a graph data augmentation module that fertilizes the training set with generated samples, and 3) an imbalance-tailored learning module to discriminate the distributions of the minority (anomalous) and majority (normal) classes.

Data Augmentation Graph Anomaly Detection +1

Deep reinforcement learning guided graph neural networks for brain network analysis

no code implementations18 Mar 2022 Xusheng Zhao, Jia Wu, Hao Peng, Amin Beheshti, Jessica J. M. Monaghan, David Mcalpine, Heivet Hernandez-Perez, Mark Dras, Qiong Dai, Yangyang Li, Philip S. Yu, Lifang He

Modern neuroimaging techniques, such as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), enable us to model the human brain as a brain network or connectome.

Deep Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +2

A Survey on Deep Learning Event Extraction: Approaches and Applications

no code implementations5 Jul 2021 Qian Li, JianXin Li, Jiawei Sheng, Shiyao Cui, Jia Wu, Yiming Hei, Hao Peng, Shu Guo, Lihong Wang, Amin Beheshti, Philip S. Yu

Numerous methods, datasets, and evaluation metrics have been proposed in the literature, raising the need for a comprehensive and updated survey.

Deep Learning Event Extraction +1

A Query Language for Summarizing and Analyzing Business Process Data

no code implementations23 May 2021 Amin Beheshti, Boualem Benatallah, Hamid Reza Motahari-Nezhad, Samira Ghodratnama, Farhad Amouzgar

In the context of business processes, we consider the Big Data problem as a massive number of interconnected data islands from personal, shared and business data.

Enabling the Analysis of Personality Aspects in Recommender Systems

no code implementations7 Jan 2020 Shahpar Yakhchi, Amin Beheshti, Seyed Mohssen Ghafari, Mehmet Orgun

Existing Recommender Systems mainly focus on exploiting users' feedback, e. g., ratings, and reviews on common items to detect similar users.

Recommendation Systems

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