Search Results for author: Amin Saberi

Found 10 papers, 3 papers with code

CHASE-SQL: Multi-Path Reasoning and Preference Optimized Candidate Selection in Text-to-SQL

no code implementations2 Oct 2024 Mohammadreza Pourreza, Hailong Li, Ruoxi Sun, Yeounoh Chung, Shayan Talaei, Gaurav Tarlok Kakkar, Yu Gan, Amin Saberi, Fatma Ozcan, Sercan O. Arik

In tackling the challenges of large language model (LLM) performance for Text-to-SQL tasks, we introduce CHASE-SQL, a new framework that employs innovative strategies, using test-time compute in multi-agent modeling to improve candidate generation and selection.

Large Language Model Text-To-SQL

MAGNOLIA: Matching Algorithms via GNNs for Online Value-to-go Approximation

1 code implementation10 Jun 2024 Alexandre Hayderi, Amin Saberi, Ellen Vitercik, Anders Wikum

Online Bayesian bipartite matching is a central problem in digital marketplaces and exchanges, including advertising, crowdsourcing, ridesharing, and kidney exchange.

Graph Neural Network

Statistical Guarantees for Link Prediction using Graph Neural Networks

no code implementations5 Feb 2024 Alan Chung, Amin Saberi, Morgane Austern

This paper derives statistical guarantees for the performance of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) in link prediction tasks on graphs generated by a graphon.

Link Prediction

A Local Graph Limits Perspective on Sampling-Based GNNs

no code implementations17 Oct 2023 Yeganeh Alimohammadi, Luana Ruiz, Amin Saberi

We propose a theoretical framework for training Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) on large input graphs via training on small, fixed-size sampled subgraphs.

Node Classification

Locality-Aware Graph-Rewiring in GNNs

no code implementations2 Oct 2023 Federico Barbero, Ameya Velingker, Amin Saberi, Michael Bronstein, Francesco Di Giovanni

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are popular models for machine learning on graphs that typically follow the message-passing paradigm, whereby the feature of a node is updated recursively upon aggregating information over its neighbors.

Inductive Bias

Online Stochastic Max-Weight Bipartite Matching: Beyond Prophet Inequalities

no code implementations20 Feb 2021 Christos Papadimitriou, Tristan Pollner, Amin Saberi, David Wajc

This is the best possible ratio for this problem, as it generalizes the original single-item prophet inequality problem.

Data Structures and Algorithms

Sampling Arborescences in Parallel

no code implementations17 Dec 2020 Nima Anari, Nathan Hu, Amin Saberi, Aaron Schild

For several well-studied combinatorial structures, counting can be reduced to the computation of a determinant, which is known to be in NC [Csa75].

Point Processes Data Structures and Algorithms Combinatorics Probability

Maximum Weight Online Matching with Deadlines

1 code implementation9 Aug 2018 Itai Ashlagi, Maximilien Burq, Chinmoy Dutta, Patrick Jaillet, Amin Saberi, Chris Sholley

We study the problem of matching agents who arrive at a marketplace over time and leave after d time periods.

Data Structures and Algorithms

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