Search Results for author: Amine Elhafsi

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Real-Time Anomaly Detection and Reactive Planning with Large Language Models

no code implementations11 Jul 2024 Rohan Sinha, Amine Elhafsi, Christopher Agia, Matthew Foutter, Edward Schmerling, Marco Pavone

Foundation models, e. g., large language models (LLMs), trained on internet-scale data possess zero-shot generalization capabilities that make them a promising technology towards detecting and mitigating out-of-distribution failure modes of robotic systems.

Anomaly Detection Autonomous Vehicles +2

Network Offloading Policies for Cloud Robotics: a Learning-based Approach

no code implementations15 Feb 2019 Sandeep Chinchali, Apoorva Sharma, James Harrison, Amine Elhafsi, Daniel Kang, Evgenya Pergament, Eyal Cidon, Sachin Katti, Marco Pavone

In this paper, we formulate a novel Robot Offloading Problem --- how and when should robots offload sensing tasks, especially if they are uncertain, to improve accuracy while minimizing the cost of cloud communication?

Decision Making Deep Reinforcement Learning +3

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