no code implementations • EAMT 2020 • Amir Kamran, Dace Dzeguze, Jaap van der Meer, Milica Panic, Alessandro Cattelan, Daniele Patrioli, Luisa Bentivogli, Marco Turchi
We describe the CEF Data Marketplace project, which focuses on the development of a trading platform of translation data for language professionals: translators, machine translation (MT) developers, language service providers (LSPs), translation buyers and government bodies.
2 code implementations • ACL 2020 • Marta Ba{\~n}{\'o}n, Pin-zhen Chen, Barry Haddow, Kenneth Heafield, Hieu Hoang, Miquel Espl{\`a}-Gomis, Mikel L. Forcada, Amir Kamran, Faheem Kirefu, Philipp Koehn, Sergio Ortiz Rojas, Leopoldo Pla Sempere, Gema Ram{\'\i}rez-S{\'a}nchez, Elsa Sarr{\'\i}as, Marek Strelec, Brian Thompson, William Waites, Dion Wiggins, Jaume Zaragoza
We report on methods to create the largest publicly available parallel corpora by crawling the web, using open source software.
no code implementations • WS 2016 • Bushra Jawaid, Amir Kamran, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar
This paper focuses on the generation of case markers for free word order languages that use case markers as phrasal clitics for marking the relationship between the dependent-noun and its head.
no code implementations • LREC 2014 • Bushra Jawaid, Amir Kamran, Ond{\v{r}}ej Bojar
In this paper, we describe a release of a sizeable monolingual Urdu corpus automatically tagged with part-of-speech tags.