Search Results for author: AmirPouya Hemmasian

Found 4 papers, 3 papers with code

Pretraining a Neural Operator in Lower Dimensions

1 code implementation24 Jul 2024 AmirPouya Hemmasian, Amir Barati Farimani

We evaluated the effectiveness of this pretraining strategy in similar PDEs in higher dimensions.

Strategies for Pretraining Neural Operators

1 code implementation12 Jun 2024 Anthony Zhou, Cooper Lorsung, AmirPouya Hemmasian, Amir Barati Farimani

Pretraining for partial differential equation (PDE) modeling has recently shown promise in scaling neural operators across datasets to improve generalizability and performance.

Transfer Learning

Multi-scale Time-stepping of Partial Differential Equations with Transformers

1 code implementation3 Nov 2023 AmirPouya Hemmasian, Amir Barati Farimani

Developing fast surrogates for Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) will accelerate design and optimization in almost all scientific and engineering applications.

Surrogate Modeling of Melt Pool Thermal Field using Deep Learning

no code implementations25 Jul 2022 AmirPouya Hemmasian, Francis Ogoke, Parand Akbari, Jonathan Malen, Jack Beuth, Amir Barati Farimani

In this work, we create three datasets of single-trail processes using Flow-3D and use them to train a convolutional neural network capable of predicting the behavior of the three-dimensional thermal field of the melt pool solely by taking three parameters as input: laser power, laser velocity, and time step.

Deep Learning

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