Search Results for author: Ammar Chouchane

Found 8 papers, 0 papers with code

Enhancing Plant Disease Detection: A Novel CNN-Based Approach with Tensor Subspace Learning and HOWSVD-MD

no code implementations30 May 2024 Abdelmalik Ouamane, Ammar Chouchane, Yassine Himeur, Abderrazak Debilou, Abbes Amira, Shadi Atalla, Wathiq Mansoor, Hussain Al Ahmad

Machine learning has revolutionized the field of agricultural science, particularly in the early detection and management of plant diseases, which are crucial for maintaining crop health and productivity.


Machine Learning and Vision Transformers for Thyroid Carcinoma Diagnosis: A review

no code implementations17 Mar 2024 Yassine Habchi, Hamza Kheddar, Yassine Himeur, Abdelkrim Boukabou, Ammar Chouchane, Abdelmalik Ouamane, Shadi Atalla, Wathiq Mansoor

The growing interest in developing smart diagnostic systems to help medical experts process extensive data for treating incurable diseases has been notable.

Management Prognosis

Advancing Person Re-Identification: Tensor-based Feature Fusion and Multilinear Subspace Learning

no code implementations24 Dec 2023 Akram Abderraouf Gharbi, Ammar Chouchane, Abdelmalik Ouamane

Person re-identification (PRe-ID) is a computer vision issue, that has been a fertile research area in the last few years.

Person Re-Identification

A Powerful Face Preprocessing For Robust Kinship Verification based Tensor Analyses

no code implementations18 Dec 2023 Ammar Chouchane, Mohcene Bessaoudi, Abdelmalik Ouamane

Kinship verification using facial photographs captured in the wild is difficult area of research in the science of computer vision.

Dimensionality Reduction Kinship Verification

Enhancing Person Re-Identification through Tensor Feature Fusion

no code implementations16 Dec 2023 Akram Abderraouf Gharbi, Ammar Chouchane, Mohcene Bessaoudi, Abdelmalik Ouamane, El Ouanas Belabbaci

In this paper, we present a novel person reidentification (PRe-ID) system that based on tensor feature representation and multilinear subspace learning.

Person Re-Identification

Enhancing Kinship Verification through Multiscale Retinex and Combined Deep-Shallow features

no code implementations6 Dec 2023 El Ouanas Belabbaci, Mohammed Khammari, Ammar Chouchane, Mohcene Bessaoudi, Abdelmalik Ouamane, Yassine Himeur, Shadi Atalla, Wathiq Mansoor

The challenge of kinship verification from facial images represents a cutting-edge and formidable frontier in the realms of pattern recognition and computer vision.

Kinship Verification Quantization

AI in Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis: Techniques, Trends, and Future Directions

no code implementations25 Aug 2023 Yassine Habchi, Yassine Himeur, Hamza Kheddar, Abdelkrim Boukabou, Shadi Atalla, Ammar Chouchane, Abdelmalik Ouamane, Wathiq Mansoor

There has been a growing interest in creating intelligent diagnostic systems to assist medical professionals in analyzing and processing big data for the treatment of incurable diseases.


Improving CNN-based Person Re-identification using score Normalization

no code implementations1 Jul 2023 Ammar Chouchane, Abdelmalik Ouamane, Yassine Himeur, Wathiq Mansoor, Shadi Atalla, Afaf Benzaibak, Chahrazed Boudellal

For example, without normalization, the rank-20 rate accuracies of the GRID, CUHK01, VIPeR and PRID450S datasets were 61. 92%, 83. 90%, 92. 03%, 96. 22%; however, after score normalization, they have increased to 64. 64%, 89. 30%, 92. 78%, and 98. 76%, respectively.

Metric Learning Person Re-Identification

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