no code implementations • 30 Nov 2021 • Sara Atito, Muhammad Awais, Ammarah Farooq, ZhenHua Feng, Josef Kittler
In this aspect the proposed SSL frame-work MC-SSL0. 0 is a step towards Multi-Concept Self-Supervised Learning (MC-SSL) that goes beyond modelling single dominant label in an image to effectively utilise the information from all the concepts present in it.
no code implementations • 25 Nov 2021 • Ammarah Farooq, Muhammad Awais, Sara Ahmed, Josef Kittler
Hence, most of the learning is independent of the image patches $(N)$ in the higher layers, and the class embedding is learned solely based on the Super tokens $(N/M^2)$ where $M^2$ is the window size.
no code implementations • 5 Mar 2021 • Syed Safwan Khalid, Muhammad Awais, Chi-Ho Chan, ZhenHua Feng, Ammarah Farooq, Ali Akbari, Josef Kittler
One key ingredient of DCNN-based FR is the appropriate design of a loss function that ensures discrimination between various identities.
no code implementations • 19 Jan 2021 • Ammarah Farooq, Muhammad Awais, Josef Kittler, Syed Safwan Khalid
Our framework is novel in its ability to implicitly learn aligned semantics between modalities during the feature learning stage.
Ranked #14 on Text based Person Retrieval on CUHK-PEDES
Cross-Modal Person Re-Identification Cross-Modal Person Re-Identification +3
no code implementations • 20 Oct 2020 • Ali Akbari, Muhammad Awais, Zhen-Hua Feng, Ammarah Farooq, Josef Kittler
Compared with existing loss functions, the lower gradient of the proposed loss function leads to the convergence of SGD to a better optimum point, and consequently a better generalisation.
no code implementations • 20 Feb 2020 • Ammarah Farooq, Muhammad Awais, Fei Yan, Josef Kittler, Ali Akbari, Syed Safwan Khalid
However, in real-world surveillance scenarios, frequently no visual information will be available about the queried person.