Search Results for author: An Zhao

Found 11 papers, 4 papers with code

Distribution Backtracking Builds A Faster Convergence Trajectory for Diffusion Distillation

1 code implementation28 Aug 2024 Shengyuan Zhang, Ling Yang, Zejian Li, An Zhao, Chenye Meng, Changyuan Yang, Guang Yang, Zhiyuan Yang, Lingyun Sun

However, there is a score mismatch issue in the early stage of the distillation process, because existing methods mainly focus on using the endpoint of pre-trained diffusion models as teacher models, overlooking the importance of the convergence trajectory between the student generator and the teacher model.

CenTime: Event-Conditional Modelling of Censoring in Survival Analysis

2 code implementations7 Sep 2023 Ahmed H. Shahin, An Zhao, Alexander C. Whitehead, Daniel C. Alexander, Joseph Jacob, David Barber

We demonstrate that our approach forms a consistent estimator for the event model parameters, even in the absence of uncensored data.

Survival Analysis

VAFO-Loss: VAscular Feature Optimised Loss Function for Retinal Artery/Vein Segmentation

no code implementations12 Mar 2022 Yukun Zhou, MouCheng Xu, Yipeng Hu, Stefano B. Blumberg, An Zhao, Siegfried K. Wagner, Pearse A. Keane, Daniel C. Alexander

Estimating clinically-relevant vascular features following vessel segmentation is a standard pipeline for retinal vessel analysis, which provides potential ocular biomarkers for both ophthalmic disease and systemic disease.


Optimizing Short-Time Fourier Transform Parameters via Gradient Descent

1 code implementation28 Oct 2020 An Zhao, Krishna Subramani, Paris Smaragdis

The Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) has been a staple of signal processing, often being the first step for many audio tasks.

Domain-Adaptive Few-Shot Learning

1 code implementation19 Mar 2020 An Zhao, Mingyu Ding, Zhiwu Lu, Tao Xiang, Yulei Niu, Jiechao Guan, Ji-Rong Wen, Ping Luo

Existing few-shot learning (FSL) methods make the implicit assumption that the few target class samples are from the same domain as the source class samples.

Domain Adaptation Few-Shot Learning

Zero and Few Shot Learning with Semantic Feature Synthesis and Competitive Learning

no code implementations19 Oct 2018 Zhiwu Lu, Jiechao Guan, Aoxue Li, Tao Xiang, An Zhao, Ji-Rong Wen

Specifically, we assume that each synthesised data point can belong to any unseen class; and the most likely two class candidates are exploited to learn a robust projection function in a competitive fashion.

Attribute Few-Shot Learning +2

Generating Nontrivial Melodies for Music as a Service

no code implementations6 Oct 2017 Yifei Teng, An Zhao, Camille Goudeseune

A melody is then generated by feeding a random sample from that space to the autoencoder's decoder, along with the chord progression generated by the grammar.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Decoder

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