Search Results for author: Anand Subramanian

Found 9 papers, 3 papers with code

Team_BUDDI at ComMA@ICON: Exploring Individual and Joint Modelling Approaches for Detecting Aggression, Communal Bias and Gender Bias

no code implementations ICON 2021 Anand Subramanian, Mukesh Reghu, Sriram Rajkumar

The ComMA@ICON 2021 Shared Task involved identifying the level of aggression and identifying gender bias and communal bias from texts in various languages from the domain of social media.

Feature Engineering

A simple and effective hybrid genetic search for the job sequencing and tool switching problem

1 code implementation10 Oct 2019 Jordana Mecler, Anand Subramanian, Thibaut Vidal

The job sequencing and tool switching problem (SSP) has been extensively studied in the field of operations research, due to its practical relevance and methodological interest.

Diversity Management

A heuristic algorithm for a single vehicle static bike sharing rebalancing problem

no code implementations2 May 2016 Fábio Cruz, Anand Subramanian, Bruno P. Bruck, Manuel Iori

This paper deals with a particular case of the SBRP, in which only a single vehicle is available and the objective is to find a least-cost route that meets the demand of all stations and does not violate the minimum (zero) and maximum (vehicle capacity) load limits along the tour.

A unified heuristic and an annotated bibliography for a large class of earliness-tardiness scheduling problems

no code implementations8 Sep 2015 Arthur Kramer, Anand Subramanian

We consider single/parallel machine E-T problems that may or may not consider some additional features such as idle time, setup times and release dates.


Efficient local search limitation strategy for single machine total weighted tardiness scheduling with sequence-dependent setup times

no code implementations23 Jan 2015 Anand Subramanian, Katyanne Farias

The objective is to determine a schedule that minimizes the total weighted tardiness, where the tardiness of a job is equal to its completion time minus its due date, in case the job is completely processed only after its due date, and is equal to zero otherwise.


Hybrid Metaheuristics for the Clustered Vehicle Routing Problem

no code implementations26 Apr 2014 Thibaut Vidal, Maria Battarra, Anand Subramanian, Güneş Erdoǧan

The second algorithm is a Hybrid Genetic Search, for which the shortest Hamiltonian path between each pair of vertices within each cluster should be precomputed.

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