Search Results for author: Anastasia Shimorina

Found 18 papers, 8 papers with code

Multilingual Abstract Meaning Representation for Celtic Languages

no code implementations CLTW (LREC) 2022 Johannes Heinecke, Anastasia Shimorina

Deep Semantic Parsing into Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) graphs has reached a high quality with neural-based seq2seq approaches.

Abstract Meaning Representation Semantic Parsing

The ReproGen Shared Task on Reproducibility of Human Evaluations in NLG: Overview and Results

no code implementations INLG (ACL) 2021 Anya Belz, Anastasia Shimorina, Shubham Agarwal, Ehud Reiter

The NLP field has recently seen a substantial increase in work related to reproducibility of results, and more generally in recognition of the importance of having shared definitions and practices relating to evaluation.

The Human Evaluation Datasheet: A Template for Recording Details of Human Evaluation Experiments in NLP

1 code implementation HumEval (ACL) 2022 Anastasia Shimorina, Anya Belz

This paper presents the Human Evaluation Datasheet (HEDS), a template for recording the details of individual human evaluation experiments in Natural Language Processing (NLP), and reports on first experience of researchers using HEDS sheets in practice.

Knowledge Extraction From Texts Based on Wikidata

1 code implementation NAACL (ACL) 2022 Anastasia Shimorina, Johannes Heinecke, Frédéric Herledan

This paper presents an effort within our company of developing knowledge extraction pipeline for English, which can be further used for constructing an entreprise-specific knowledge base.

coreference-resolution Relation +1

The Human Evaluation Datasheet 1.0: A Template for Recording Details of Human Evaluation Experiments in NLP

no code implementations17 Mar 2021 Anastasia Shimorina, Anya Belz

This paper introduces the Human Evaluation Datasheet, a template for recording the details of individual human evaluation experiments in Natural Language Processing (NLP).

A Systematic Review of Reproducibility Research in Natural Language Processing

1 code implementation EACL 2021 Anya Belz, Shubham Agarwal, Anastasia Shimorina, Ehud Reiter

Against the background of what has been termed a reproducibility crisis in science, the NLP field is becoming increasingly interested in, and conscientious about, the reproducibility of its results.


LORIA / Lorraine University at Multilingual Surface Realisation 2019

no code implementations WS 2019 Anastasia Shimorina, Claire Gardent

This paper presents the LORIA / Lorraine University submission at the Multilingual Surface Realisation shared task 2019 for the shallow track.

Surface Realisation Using Full Delexicalisation

no code implementations IJCNLP 2019 Anastasia Shimorina, Claire Gardent

Surface realisation (SR) maps a meaning representation to a sentence and can be viewed as consisting of three subtasks: word ordering, morphological inflection and contraction generation (e. g., clitic attachment in Portuguese or elision in French).

Morphological Inflection Sentence

Creating a Corpus for Russian Data-to-Text Generation Using Neural Machine Translation and Post-Editing

1 code implementation WS 2019 Anastasia Shimorina, Elena Khasanova, Claire Gardent

In this paper, we propose an approach for semi-automatically creating a data-to-text (D2T) corpus for Russian that can be used to learn a D2T natural language generation model.

Data-to-Text Generation Machine Translation +1

Handling Rare Items in Data-to-Text Generation

2 code implementations WS 2018 Anastasia Shimorina, Claire Gardent

Neural approaches to data-to-text generation generally handle rare input items using either delexicalisation or a copy mechanism.

KG-to-Text Generation

Human vs Automatic Metrics: on the Importance of Correlation Design

1 code implementation29 May 2018 Anastasia Shimorina

This paper discusses two existing approaches to the correlation analysis between automatic evaluation metrics and human scores in the area of natural language generation.

Sentence Text Generation

Split and Rephrase

2 code implementations EMNLP 2017 Shashi Narayan, Claire Gardent, Shay B. Cohen, Anastasia Shimorina

We propose a new sentence simplification task (Split-and-Rephrase) where the aim is to split a complex sentence into a meaning preserving sequence of shorter sentences.

Machine Translation Sentence +2

Creating Training Corpora for NLG Micro-Planners

no code implementations ACL 2017 Claire Gardent, Anastasia Shimorina, Shashi Narayan, Laura Perez-Beltrachini

In this paper, we present a novel framework for semi-automatically creating linguistically challenging micro-planning data-to-text corpora from existing Knowledge Bases.

Data-to-Text Generation Referring Expression +3

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