Search Results for author: Anatolii Korol

Found 5 papers, 4 papers with code

CaloClouds II: Ultra-Fast Geometry-Independent Highly-Granular Calorimeter Simulation

1 code implementation11 Sep 2023 Erik Buhmann, Frank Gaede, Gregor Kasieczka, Anatolii Korol, William Korcari, Katja Krüger, Peter McKeown

We further distill the diffusion model into a consistency model allowing for accurate sampling in a single step and resulting in a $46\times$ ($37\times$ over CaloClouds) speed-up.

CaloClouds: Fast Geometry-Independent Highly-Granular Calorimeter Simulation

2 code implementations8 May 2023 Erik Buhmann, Sascha Diefenbacher, Engin Eren, Frank Gaede, Gregor Kasieczka, Anatolii Korol, William Korcari, Katja Krüger, Peter McKeown

Simulating showers of particles in highly-granular detectors is a key frontier in the application of machine learning to particle physics.

DCTRGAN: Improving the Precision of Generative Models with Reweighting

2 code implementations3 Sep 2020 Sascha Diefenbacher, Engin Eren, Gregor Kasieczka, Anatolii Korol, Benjamin Nachman, David Shih

We introduce a post-hoc correction to deep generative models to further improve their fidelity, based on the Deep neural networks using the Classification for Tuning and Reweighting (DCTR) protocol.

Getting High: High Fidelity Simulation of High Granularity Calorimeters with High Speed

2 code implementations11 May 2020 Erik Buhmann, Sascha Diefenbacher, Engin Eren, Frank Gaede, Gregor Kasieczka, Anatolii Korol, Katja Krüger

Accurate simulation of physical processes is crucial for the success of modern particle physics.

Instrumentation and Detectors High Energy Physics - Experiment High Energy Physics - Phenomenology Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability

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