Search Results for author: André Homeyer

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

Applications of artificial intelligence in the analysis of histopathology images of gliomas: a review

no code implementations26 Jan 2024 Jan-Philipp Redlich, Friedrich Feuerhake, Joachim Weis, Nadine S. Schaadt, Sarah Teuber-Hanselmann, Christoph Buck, Sabine Luttmann, Andrea Eberle, Stefan Nikolin, Arno Appenzeller, Andreas Portmann, André Homeyer

To give an overview of the current state of research, this review examines 83 publicly available research studies that have proposed AI-based methods for whole-slide histopathology images of human gliomas, covering the diagnostic tasks of subtyping (23/83), grading (27/83), molecular marker prediction (20/83), and survival prediction (29/83).

Survival Prediction

The NCI Imaging Data Commons as a platform for reproducible research in computational pathology

1 code implementation16 Mar 2023 Daniela P. Schacherer, Markus D. Herrmann, David A. Clunie, Henning Höfener, William Clifford, William J. R. Longabaugh, Steve Pieper, Ron Kikinis, Andrey Fedorov, André Homeyer

Conclusions: We conclude that the IDC facilitates approaching the reproducibility limit of CompPath research (i) by enabling researchers to reuse exactly the same datasets and (ii) by integrating with cloud ML services so that experiments can be run in identically configured computing environments.

whole slide images

Evaluating Generic Auto-ML Tools for Computational Pathology

no code implementations7 Dec 2021 Lars Ole Schwen, Daniela Schacherer, Christian Geißler, André Homeyer

The goal of this article is to evaluate how generic tools for neural network architecture search and hyperparameter optimization perform for common use cases in computational pathology.

Classification Hyperparameter Optimization

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