1 code implementation • 7 Dec 2023 • Emre Gülsoylu, Paul Koch, Mert Yıldız, Manfred Constapel, André Peter Kelm
This demonstrates the potential of our approach in creating datasets for vessel detection, pose estimation and auto-labelling pipelines.
no code implementations • 9 Aug 2023 • André Peter Kelm, Niels Hannemann, Bruno Heberle, Lucas Schmidt, Tim Rolff, Christian Wilms, Ehsan Yaghoubi, Simone Frintrop
Our proposed topology also comes with a built-in top-down attention mechanism, which allows processing to be directly influenced by either enhancing or inhibiting category-specific high-level features, drawing parallels to the selective attention mechanism observed in human cognition.
no code implementations • 14 Apr 2020 • André Peter Kelm, Udo Zölzer
However, we find CNNs are tailor-made for this task and that's why we present the Walk the Lines (WtL) algorithm, a standard regression CNN trained to follow object contours.