Search Results for author: Andre G. C. Pacheco

Found 8 papers, 0 papers with code

Learning multiplane images from single views with self-supervision

no code implementations18 Oct 2021 Gustavo Sutter P. Carvalho, Diogo C. Luvizon, Antonio Joia Neto, Andre G. C. Pacheco, Otavio A. B. Penatti

Although our method does not require stereo data for supervision, it reaches results on stereo datasets comparable to the state of the art in a zero-shot scenario.

The impact of patient clinical information on automated skin cancer detection

no code implementations16 Sep 2019 Andre G. C. Pacheco, Renato A. Krohling

These models are applied to the presented dataset using only the images and combining them with the patient clinical information.

Skin cancer detection based on deep learning and entropy to detect outlier samples

no code implementations10 Sep 2019 Andre G. C. Pacheco, Abder-Rahman Ali, Thomas Trappenberg

We describe our methods that achieved the 3rd and 4th places in tasks 1 and 2, respectively, at ISIC challenge 2019.

Classificação de espécies de peixe utilizando redes neurais convolucional

no code implementations9 May 2019 Andre G. C. Pacheco

Data classification is present in different real problems, such as recognizing patterns in images, differentiating defective parts in a production line, classifying benign and malignant tumors, among many others.

General Classification

Ranking of classification algorithms in terms of mean-standard deviation using A-TOPSIS

no code implementations22 Oct 2016 Andre G. C. Pacheco, Renato A. Krohling

In machine learning it is common run the algorithms several times and then a statistic is calculated in terms of means and standard deviations.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Classification +1

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