Search Results for author: Andrea Iannelli

Found 30 papers, 6 papers with code

Convergence and Robustness of Value and Policy Iteration for the Linear Quadratic Regulator

1 code implementation7 Nov 2024 Bowen Song, Chenxuan Wu, Andrea Iannelli

This paper revisits and extends the convergence and robustness properties of value and policy iteration algorithms for discrete-time linear quadratic regulator problems.

End-to-end guarantees for indirect data-driven control of bilinear systems with finite stochastic data

1 code implementation26 Sep 2024 Nicolas Chatzikiriakos, Robin Strässer, Frank Allgöwer, Andrea Iannelli

In this paper we propose an end-to-end algorithm for indirect data-driven control for bilinear systems with stability guarantees.

Learning Theory

Sample Complexity Bounds for Linear System Identification from a Finite Set

1 code implementation17 Sep 2024 Nicolas Chatzikiriakos, Andrea Iannelli

This paper considers a finite sample perspective on the problem of identifying an LTI system from a finite set of possible systems using trajectory data.

A hybrid systems framework for data-based adaptive control of linear time-varying systems

1 code implementation23 May 2024 Andrea Iannelli, Romain Postoyan

When this Lyapunov function does not satisfy a designed desirable condition, an episode is triggered to update the controller gain and the corresponding Lyapunov function using the last collected data.

On the Regret of Recursive Methods for Discrete-Time Adaptive Control with Matched Uncertainty

no code implementations2 Apr 2024 Aren Karapetyan, Efe C. Balta, Anastasios Tsiamis, Andrea Iannelli, John Lygeros

Continuous-time adaptive controllers for systems with a matched uncertainty often comprise an online parameter estimator and a corresponding parameterized controller to cancel the uncertainty.

The Role of Identification in Data-driven Policy Iteration: A System Theoretic Study

1 code implementation12 Jan 2024 Bowen Song, Andrea Iannelli

By casting the concurrent model identification and control design as a feedback interconnection between two algorithmic systems, we provide a closed-loop analysis that shows convergence and robustness properties for arbitrary levels of excitation in the data.

Closed-Loop Finite-Time Analysis of Suboptimal Online Control

no code implementations9 Dec 2023 Aren Karapetyan, Efe C. Balta, Andrea Iannelli, John Lygeros

Finite-time guarantees allow the control design to distribute a limited computational budget over a time horizon and estimate the on-the-go loss in performance due to suboptimality.

Model Predictive Control

Stochastic Data-Driven Predictive Control: Regularization, Estimation, and Constraint Tightening

no code implementations5 Dec 2023 Mingzhou Yin, Andrea Iannelli, Roy S. Smith

An initial condition estimator is proposed by filtering the measurements with the one-step-ahead stochastic data-driven prediction.


A harmonic framework for the identification of linear time-periodic systems

no code implementations28 Sep 2023 Flora Vernerey, Pierre Riedinger, Andrea Iannelli, Jamal Daafouz

This method is based on harmonic modeling and consists in converting any LTP system into an equivalent LTI system with infinite dimension.

An Online Learning Analysis of Minimax Adaptive Control

1 code implementation14 Jul 2023 Venkatraman Renganathan, Andrea Iannelli, Anders Rantzer

We present an online learning analysis of minimax adaptive control for the case where the uncertainty includes a finite set of linear dynamical systems.

On the Finite-Time Behavior of Suboptimal Linear Model Predictive Control

no code implementations17 May 2023 Aren Karapetyan, Efe C. Balta, Andrea Iannelli, John Lygeros

Inexact methods for model predictive control (MPC), such as real-time iterative schemes or time-distributed optimization, alleviate the computational burden of exact MPC by providing suboptimal solutions.

Distributed Optimization Model Predictive Control

Dual adaptive MPC using an exact set-membership reformulation

no code implementations29 Nov 2022 Anilkumar Parsi, Diyou Liu, Andrea Iannelli, Roy S. Smith

Adaptive model predictive control (MPC) methods using set-membership identification to reduce parameter uncertainty are considered in this work.

Model Predictive Control

Implications of Regret on Stability of Linear Dynamical Systems

no code implementations14 Nov 2022 Aren Karapetyan, Anastasios Tsiamis, Efe C. Balta, Andrea Iannelli, John Lygeros

The setting of an agent making decisions under uncertainty and under dynamic constraints is common for the fields of optimal control, reinforcement learning, and recently also for online learning.

Stochastic MPC with robustness to bounded parametric uncertainty

no code implementations20 May 2022 Elena Arcari, Andrea Iannelli, Andrea Carron, Melanie N. Zeilinger

assumption on the noise distribution, we also provide an average asymptotic performance bound for the l2-norm of the closed-loop state.

Model Predictive Control

Regret Analysis of Online Gradient Descent-based Iterative Learning Control with Model Mismatch

no code implementations10 Apr 2022 Efe C. Balta, Andrea Iannelli, Roy S. Smith, John Lygeros

In Iterative Learning Control (ILC), a sequence of feedforward control actions is generated at each iteration on the basis of partial model knowledge and past measurements with the goal of steering the system toward a desired reference trajectory.

Computationally efficient robust MPC using optimized constraint tightening

no code implementations5 Apr 2022 Anilkumar Parsi, Panagiotis Anagnostaras, Andrea Iannelli, Roy S. Smith

A robust model predictive control (MPC) method is presented for linear, time-invariant systems affected by bounded additive disturbances.

Model Predictive Control

Scalable tube model predictive control of uncertain linear systems using ellipsoidal sets

no code implementations5 Apr 2022 Anilkumar Parsi, Andrea Iannelli, Roy S. Smith

This contrasts with most existing tube MPC strategies using polytopic sets in the state tube, which are difficult to design and whose complexity grows combinatorially with the system order.

Model Predictive Control

Kernel-Based Identification of Local Limit Cycle Dynamics with Linear Periodically Parameter-Varying Models

no code implementations30 Mar 2022 Defne E. Ozan, Mingzhou Yin, Andrea Iannelli, Roy S. Smith

Limit cycle oscillations are phenomena arising in nonlinear dynamical systems and characterized by periodic, locally-stable, and self-sustained state trajectories.

Infinite-Dimensional Sparse Learning in Linear System Identification

no code implementations28 Mar 2022 Mingzhou Yin, Mehmet Tolga Akan, Andrea Iannelli, Roy S. Smith

Atomic norm regularization decomposes the transfer function into first-order atomic models and solves a group lasso problem that selects a sparse set of poles and identifies the corresponding coefficients.

Sparse Learning

Data-Driven Prediction with Stochastic Data: Confidence Regions and Minimum Mean-Squared Error Estimates

no code implementations8 Nov 2021 Mingzhou Yin, Andrea Iannelli, Roy S. Smith

In this paper, confidence regions are provided for these stochastic predictors based on the prediction error distribution.

Prediction valid

A distributed framework for linear adaptive MPC

no code implementations13 Sep 2021 Anilkumar Parsi, Ahmed Aboudonia, Andrea Iannelli, John Lygeros, Roy S. Smith

Adaptive model predictive control (MPC) robustly ensures safety while reducing uncertainty during operation.

Model Predictive Control

Design of input for data-driven simulation with Hankel and Page matrices

no code implementations10 Sep 2021 Andrea Iannelli, Mingzhou Yin, Roy S. Smith

The paper deals with the problem of designing informative input trajectories for data-driven simulation.

The Balanced Mode Decomposition Algorithm for Data-Driven LPV Low-Order Models of Aeroservoelastic Systems

no code implementations7 Feb 2021 Andrea Iannelli, Urban Fasel, Roy S. Smith

The algorithm formulation hinges on the idea of replacing the orthogonal projection onto the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition modes, used in Dynamic Mode Decomposition-based approaches, with a balancing oblique projection constructed entirely from data.

Model Predictive Control

Experiment design for impulse response identification with signal matrix models

no code implementations15 Dec 2020 Andrea Iannelli, Mingzhou Yin, Roy S. Smith

This paper formulates an input design approach for truncated infinite impulse response identification in the context of implicit model representations recently used as basis for data-driven simulation and control approaches.

Maximum Likelihood Signal Matrix Model for Data-Driven Predictive Control

no code implementations8 Dec 2020 Mingzhou Yin, Andrea Iannelli, Roy S. Smith

The paper presents a data-driven predictive control framework based on an implicit input-output mapping derived directly from the signal matrix of collected data.

Model Predictive Control

Learning Dynamical Systems using Local Stability Priors

no code implementations23 Aug 2020 Arash Mehrjou, Andrea Iannelli, Bernhard Schölkopf

A coupled computational approach to simultaneously learn a vector field and the region of attraction of an equilibrium point from generated trajectories of the system is proposed.

Subspace Identification of Linear Time-Periodic Systems with Periodic Inputs

no code implementations6 Jun 2020 Mingzhou Yin, Andrea Iannelli, Roy S. Smith

The response is estimated with an ensemble of input-output data with periodic inputs.

Structured exploration in the finite horizon linear quadratic dual control problem

no code implementations31 Oct 2019 Andrea Iannelli, Mohammad Khosravi, Roy S. Smith

This paper presents a novel approach to synthesize dual controllers for unknown linear time-invariant systems with the tasks of optimizing a quadratic cost while reducing the uncertainty.

Efficient Exploration

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