Search Results for author: Andreas Vogelsang

Found 12 papers, 4 papers with code

Fine-Grained Causality Extraction From Natural Language Requirements Using Recursive Neural Tensor Networks

1 code implementation21 Jul 2021 Jannik Fischbach, Tobias Springer, Julian Frattini, Henning Femmer, Andreas Vogelsang, Daniel Mendez

Our approach is capable of recovering the composition of causal statements written in natural language and achieves a F1 score of 74 % in the evaluation on the Causality Treebank.

Tensor Networks

CiRA: A Tool for the Automatic Detection of Causal Relationships in Requirements Artifacts

no code implementations11 Mar 2021 Jannik Fischbach, Julian Frattini, Andreas Vogelsang

Requirements often specify the expected system behavior by using causal relations (e. g., If A, then B).

Software Engineering

Automatic Detection of Causality in Requirement Artifacts: the CiRA Approach

1 code implementation26 Jan 2021 Jannik Fischbach, Julian Frattini, Arjen Spaans, Maximilian Kummeth, Andreas Vogelsang, Daniel Mendez, Michael Unterkalmsteiner

Our case study corroborates, among other things, that causality is, in fact, a widely used linguistic pattern to describe system behavior, as about a third of the analyzed sentences are causal.

Software Engineering

Topic Modeling on User Stories using Word Mover's Distance

1 code implementation10 Jul 2020 Kim Julian Gülle, Nicholas Ford, Patrick Ebel, Florian Brokhausen, Andreas Vogelsang

Depending on the word embeddings we use in our approaches, we manage to cluster the user stories in two ways: one that is closer to the original categorization and another that allows new insights into the dataset, e. g. to find potentially new categories.

Word Embeddings

Towards Causality Extraction from Requirements

no code implementations29 Jun 2020 Jannik Fischbach, Benedikt Hauptmann, Lukas Konwitschny, Dominik Spies, Andreas Vogelsang

In this paper, we describe first steps towards building a new approach for causality extraction and contribute: (1) an NLP architecture based on Tree Recursive Neural Networks (TRNN) that we will train to identify causal relations in NL requirements and (2) an annotation scheme and a dataset that is suitable for training TRNNs.

Destination Prediction Based on Partial Trajectory Data

no code implementations16 Apr 2020 Patrick Ebel, Ibrahim Emre Göl, Christoph Lingenfelder, Andreas Vogelsang

Our approach predicts probable destinations and routes of a vehicle, based on the most recent partial trajectory and additional contextual data.

Automated Generation of Test Models from Semi-Structured Requirements

no code implementations22 Aug 2019 Jannik Fischbach, Maximilian Junker, Andreas Vogelsang, Dietmar Freudenstein

[Contribution:] We make three contributions: (1) an algorithm for the automatic detection of semi-structured requirements descriptions in documents, (2) an algorithm for the automatic translation of the identified requirements into a CEG and (3) a study demonstrating that our proposed solution leads to 86 % time savings for test model creation without loss of quality.


Towards Self-Explainable Cyber-Physical Systems

no code implementations13 Aug 2019 Mathias Blumreiter, Joel Greenyer, Francisco Javier Chiyah Garcia, Verena Klös, Maike Schwammberger, Christoph Sommer, Andreas Vogelsang, Andreas Wortmann

With the increasing complexity of CPSs, their behavior and decisions become increasingly difficult to understand and comprehend for users and other stakeholders.

Requirements Engineering for Machine Learning: Perspectives from Data Scientists

no code implementations13 Aug 2019 Andreas Vogelsang, Markus Borg

We conclude that development of ML systems demands requirements engineers to: (1) understand ML performance measures to state good functional requirements, (2) be aware of new quality requirements such as explainability, freedom from discrimination, or specific legal requirements, and (3) integrate ML specifics in the RE process.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

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