Search Results for author: Andrew Adamatzky

Found 16 papers, 1 papers with code

Fungi anaesthesia

no code implementations13 Jun 2021 Andrew Adamatzky, Antoni Gandia

An exposure of the mycelium colonised substrate to a chloroform vapour lead to several fold decrease of the baseline potential waves and increase of their duration.

Evolving Nano Particle Cancer Treatments with Multiple Particle Types

no code implementations10 Nov 2020 Michail-Antisthenis Tsompanas, Larry Bull, Andrew Adamatzky, Igor Balaz

Utilizing a treatment comprising of multiple types of NPs is expected to be more effective due to the higher complexity of the treatment.

Evolutionary Algorithms

Electrical activity of fungi: Spikes detection and complexity analysis

no code implementations24 Aug 2020 Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi, Andrew Adamatzky

Oyster fungi \emph{Pleurotus djamor} generate actin potential like spikes of electrical potential.

Decision Making

Protein Structured Reservoir computing for Spike-based Pattern Recognition

no code implementations7 Aug 2020 Karolos-Alexandros Tsakalos, Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis, Andrew Adamatzky, Jim Smith

Nowadays we witness a miniaturisation trend in the semiconductor industry backed up by groundbreaking discoveries and designs in nanoscale characterisation and fabrication.

Utilizing Differential Evolution into optimizing targeted cancer treatments

no code implementations21 Mar 2020 Michail-Antisthenis Tsompanas, Larry Bull, Andrew Adamatzky, Igor Balaz

Working towards the development of an evolvable cancer treatment simulator, the investigation of Differential Evolution was considered, motivated by the high efficiency of variations of this technique in real-valued problems.

Attribute Diversity

Novelty search employed into the development of cancer treatment simulations

no code implementations21 Mar 2020 Michail-Antisthenis Tsompanas, Larry Bull, Andrew Adamatzky, Igor Balaz

Conventional optimization methodologies may be hindered when the automated search is stuck into local optima because of a deceptive objective function landscape.

Mem-fractive Properties of Mushrooms

no code implementations15 Feb 2020 Alexander E. Beasley, Mohammed-Salah Abdelouahab, René Lozi, Anna L. Powell, Andrew Adamatzky

Memristors close the loop for I-V characteristics of the traditional, passive, semi-conductor devices.

Haploid-Diploid Evolution: Nature's Memetic Algorithm

no code implementations13 Nov 2019 Michail-Antisthenis Tsompanas, Larry Bull, Andrew Adamatzky, Igor Balaz

This paper uses a recent explanation for the fundamental haploid-diploid lifecycle of eukaryotic organisms to present a new memetic algorithm that differs from all previous known work using diploid representations.

On complexity of branching droplets in electrical field

no code implementations15 Jan 2019 Mohammad Mahdi Dehshibi, Jitka Cejkova, Dominik Svara, Andrew Adamatzky

Decanol droplets in a thin layer of sodium decanoate with sodium chloride exhibit bifurcation branching growth due to interplay between osmotic pressure, diffusion and surface tension.

Towards an Evolvable Cancer Treatment Simulator

no code implementations19 Dec 2018 Richard J. Preen, Larry Bull, Andrew Adamatzky

The use of high-fidelity computational simulations promises to enable high-throughput hypothesis testing and optimisation of cancer therapies.

Evolutionary Algorithms Two-sample testing

Evolving Spiking Networks with Variable Resistive Memories

no code implementations17 May 2015 Gerard David Howard, Larry Bull, Ben De Lacy Costello, Andrew Adamatzky, Ella Gale

Variable resistive memories are the focus of this research; each synapse has its own conductance profile which modifies the plastic behaviour of the device and may be altered during evolution.

Is Spiking Logic the Route to Memristor-Based Computers?

no code implementations17 Feb 2014 Ella Gale, Ben De Lacy Costello, Andrew Adamatzky

Memristors have been suggested as a novel route to neuromorphic computing based on the similarity between neurons (synapses and ion pumps) and memristors.

Does the D.C. Response of Memristors Allow Robotic Short-Term Memory and a Possible Route to Artificial Time Perception?

no code implementations17 Feb 2014 Ella Gale, Ben de Lacy Costello, Andrew Adamatzky

Time perception is essential for task switching, and in the mammalian brain appears alongside other processes.

Computation of the Travelling Salesman Problem by a Shrinking Blob

1 code implementation20 Mar 2013 Jeff Jones, Andrew Adamatzky

By manually tracing the perimeter of the blob a path between cities is elicited corresponding to a TSP tour.

Emerging Technologies Computational Geometry

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