Search Results for author: Andrew Gibiansky

Found 5 papers, 4 papers with code

VocBench: A Neural Vocoder Benchmark for Speech Synthesis

1 code implementation6 Dec 2021 Ehab A. AlBadawy, Andrew Gibiansky, Qing He, JiLong Wu, Ming-Ching Chang, Siwei Lyu

We perform a subjective and objective evaluation to compare the performance of each vocoder along a different axis.

Speech Synthesis

Deep Voice 2: Multi-Speaker Neural Text-to-Speech

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2017 Sercan Arik, Gregory Diamos, Andrew Gibiansky, John Miller, Kainan Peng, Wei Ping, Jonathan Raiman, Yanqi Zhou

We introduce Deep Voice 2, which is based on a similar pipeline with Deep Voice 1, but constructed with higher performance building blocks and demonstrates a significant audio quality improvement over Deep Voice 1.

Speech Synthesis Text to Speech

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