Search Results for author: Andrew Golightly

Found 4 papers, 4 papers with code

The Neural Moving Average Model for Scalable Variational Inference of State Space Models

1 code implementation2 Oct 2019 Tom Ryder, Dennis Prangle, Andrew Golightly, Isaac Matthews

Variational inference has had great success in scaling approximate Bayesian inference to big data by exploiting mini-batch training.

Bayesian Inference Normalising Flows +4

Efficient inference for stochastic differential equation mixed-effects models using correlated particle pseudo-marginal algorithms

1 code implementation23 Jul 2019 Samuel Wiqvist, Andrew Golightly, Ashleigh T. Mclean, Umberto Picchini

Stochastic differential equation mixed-effects models (SDEMEMs) are flexible hierarchical models that are able to account for random variability inherent in the underlying time-dynamics, as well as the variability between experimental units and, optionally, account for measurement error.

Computation Methodology

Ensemble MCMC: Accelerating Pseudo-Marginal MCMC for State Space Models using the Ensemble Kalman Filter

1 code implementation5 Jun 2019 Christopher Drovandi, Richard G. Everitt, Andrew Golightly, Dennis Prangle

Particle Markov chain Monte Carlo (pMCMC) is now a popular method for performing Bayesian statistical inference on challenging state space models (SSMs) with unknown static parameters.

Computation Methodology

Black-box Variational Inference for Stochastic Differential Equations

2 code implementations ICML 2018 Thomas Ryder, Andrew Golightly, A. Stephen McGough, Dennis Prangle

Parameter inference for stochastic differential equations is challenging due to the presence of a latent diffusion process.

Variational Inference

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