Search Results for author: Andrew H. Beck

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Crowdsourcing scoring of immunohistochemistry images: Evaluating Performance of the Crowd and an Automated Computational Method

no code implementations21 Jun 2016 Humayun Irshad, Eun-Yeong Oh, Daniel Schmolze, Liza M Quintana, Laura Collins, Rulla M. Tamimi, Andrew H. Beck

These methods have not yet replaced manual scoring for the assessment of IHC in the majority of diagnostic laboratories and in many large-scale research studies.

Deep Learning for Identifying Metastatic Breast Cancer

3 code implementations18 Jun 2016 Dayong Wang, Aditya Khosla, Rishab Gargeya, Humayun Irshad, Andrew H. Beck

The International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) held a grand challenge to evaluate computational systems for the automated detection of metastatic breast cancer in whole slide images of sentinel lymph node biopsies.

Deep Learning General Classification +2

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