Search Results for author: Andrew Luo

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

DiffusionPID: Interpreting Diffusion via Partial Information Decomposition

no code implementations7 Jun 2024 Rushikesh Zawar, Shaurya Dewan, Prakanshul Saxena, Yingshan Chang, Andrew Luo, Yonatan Bisk

Text-to-image diffusion models have made significant progress in generating naturalistic images from textual inputs, and demonstrate the capacity to learn and represent complex visual-semantic relationships.


Learning Neural Acoustic Fields

1 code implementation4 Apr 2022 Andrew Luo, Yilun Du, Michael J. Tarr, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Antonio Torralba, Chuang Gan

By modeling acoustic propagation in a scene as a linear time-invariant system, NAFs learn to continuously map all emitter and listener location pairs to a neural impulse response function that can then be applied to arbitrary sounds.

Prototype memory and attention mechanisms for few shot image generation

no code implementations ICLR 2022 Tianqin Li, Zijie Li, Andrew Luo, Harold Rockwell, Amir Barati Farimani, Tai Sing Lee

To test our proposal, we show in a few-shot image generation task, that having a prototype memory during attention can improve image synthesis quality, learn interpretable visual concept clusters, as well as improve the robustness of the model.

Image Generation Online Clustering

End-to-End Optimization of Scene Layout

1 code implementation CVPR 2020 Andrew Luo, Zhoutong Zhang, Jiajun Wu, Joshua B. Tenenbaum

Experiments suggest that our model achieves higher accuracy and diversity in conditional scene synthesis and allows exemplar-based scene generation from various input forms.

Diversity Indoor Scene Reconstruction +3

Learning to Infer and Execute 3D Shape Programs

no code implementations ICLR 2019 Yonglong Tian, Andrew Luo, Xingyuan Sun, Kevin Ellis, William T. Freeman, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Jiajun Wu

Human perception of 3D shapes goes beyond reconstructing them as a set of points or a composition of geometric primitives: we also effortlessly understand higher-level shape structure such as the repetition and reflective symmetry of object parts.

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