Search Results for author: Andrew R. Sedler

Found 5 papers, 3 papers with code

Diffusion-Based Generation of Neural Activity from Disentangled Latent Codes

no code implementations30 Jul 2024 Jonathan D. McCart, Andrew R. Sedler, Christopher Versteeg, Domenick Mifsud, Mattia Rigotti-Thompson, Chethan Pandarinath

Here we propose a new approach to neural data analysis that leverages advances in conditional generative modeling to enable the unsupervised inference of disentangled behavioral variables from recorded neural activity.

Expressive dynamics models with nonlinear injective readouts enable reliable recovery of latent features from neural activity

no code implementations12 Sep 2023 Christopher Versteeg, Andrew R. Sedler, Jonathan D. McCart, Chethan Pandarinath

Overall, ODIN's accuracy in recovering ground-truth latent features and ability to accurately reconstruct neural activity with low dimensionality make it a promising method for distilling interpretable dynamics that can help explain neural computation.

lfads-torch: A modular and extensible implementation of latent factor analysis via dynamical systems

3 code implementations3 Sep 2023 Andrew R. Sedler, Chethan Pandarinath

Latent factor analysis via dynamical systems (LFADS) is an RNN-based variational sequential autoencoder that achieves state-of-the-art performance in denoising high-dimensional neural activity for downstream applications in science and engineering.


Expressive architectures enhance interpretability of dynamics-based neural population models

1 code implementation7 Dec 2022 Andrew R. Sedler, Christopher Versteeg, Chethan Pandarinath

Artificial neural networks that can recover latent dynamics from recorded neural activity may provide a powerful avenue for identifying and interpreting the dynamical motifs underlying biological computation.

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