Search Results for author: Andy Regensky

Found 11 papers, 5 papers with code

Analysis of Neural Video Compression Networks for 360-Degree Video Coding

no code implementations15 Feb 2024 Andy Regensky, Fabian Brand, André Kaup

As such, the state-of-the-art H. 266/VVC video coding standard integrates dedicated tools for 360-degree video, and considerable efforts have been put into designing 360-degree projection formats with improved compression efficiency.

ERP Video Compression

Geometry-Corrected Geodesic Motion Modeling with Per-Frame Camera Motion for 360-Degree Video Compression

1 code implementation14 Dec 2023 Andy Regensky, André Kaup

The large amounts of data associated with 360-degree video require highly effective compression techniques for efficient storage and distribution.

Motion Compensation Video Compression

Processing Energy Modeling for Neural Network Based Image Compression

no code implementations29 Jun 2023 Christian Herglotz, Fabian Brand, Andy Regensky, Felix Rievel, André Kaup

Nowadays, the compression performance of neural-networkbased image compression algorithms outperforms state-of-the-art compression approaches such as JPEG or HEIC-based image compression.

Image Compression

Motion Plane Adaptive Motion Modeling for Spherical Video Coding in H.266/VVC

no code implementations23 Jun 2023 Andy Regensky, Christian Herglotz, André Kaup

Motion compensation is one of the key technologies enabling the high compression efficiency of modern video coding standards.

Motion Compensation

Improving Spherical Image Resampling through Viewport-Adaptivity

1 code implementation23 Jun 2023 Andy Regensky, Viktoria Heimann, Ruoyu Zhang, André Kaup

The conversion between different spherical image and video projection formats requires highly accurate resampling techniques in order to minimize the inevitable loss of information.


The Bjøntegaard Bible -- Why your Way of Comparing Video Codecs May Be Wrong

1 code implementation25 Apr 2023 Christian Herglotz, Hannah Och, Anna Meyer, Geetha Ramasubbu, Lena Eichermüller, Matthias Kränzler, Fabian Brand, Kristian Fischer, Dat Thanh Nguyen, Andy Regensky, André Kaup

Using additional supporting points inbetween standard points defined by parameters such as the quantization parameter, we assess the interpolation error of the Bj{\o}ntegaard-Delta (BD) calculus and its impact on the final BD value.

Quantization SSIM +1

Fast Reconstruction of Three-Quarter Sampling Measurements Using Recurrent Local Joint Sparse Deconvolution and Extrapolation

1 code implementation5 May 2022 Simon Grosche, Andy Regensky, Alexander Sinn, Jürgen Seiler, André Kaup

Recently, non-regular three-quarter sampling has shown to deliver an increased image quality of image sensors by using differently oriented L-shaped pixels compared to the same number of square pixels.

Real-Time Frequency Selective Reconstruction through Register-Based Argmax Calculation

1 code implementation28 Feb 2022 Andy Regensky, Simon Grosche, Jürgen Seiler, André Kaup

Frequency Selective Reconstruction (FSR) is a state-of-the-art algorithm for solving diverse image reconstruction tasks, where a subset of pixel values in the image is missing.

Image Reconstruction

A Novel Viewport-Adaptive Motion Compensation Technique for Fisheye Video

no code implementations28 Feb 2022 Andy Regensky, Christian Herglotz, André Kaup

However, the approach does not consider the large field of view of fisheye lenses that requires the consideration of different motion planes in 3D space.

Motion Compensation

Motion-Plane-Adaptive Inter Prediction in 360-Degree Video Coding

no code implementations7 Feb 2022 Andy Regensky, Christian Herglotz, André Kaup

Based on the known projection format of the video, MPA allows to perform inter prediction on different motion planes in 3D space instead of having to work on the - in theory arbitrarily mapped - 2D image representation directly.

Image Super-Resolution Using T-Tetromino Pixels

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Simon Grosche, Andy Regensky, Jürgen Seiler, André Kaup

Next, we investigate the reconstruction quality using tetromino pixels for the first time in literature.

Image Super-Resolution SSIM

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