Search Results for author: Angelo Cangelosi

Found 31 papers, 7 papers with code

From Concrete to Abstract: A Multimodal Generative Approach to Abstract Concept Learning

no code implementations3 Oct 2024 Haodong Xie, Rahul Singh Maharjan, Federico Tavella, Angelo Cangelosi

We evaluate the model language learning ability through language-to-visual and visual-to-language tests with high order abstract concepts.

Noise-Free Explanation for Driving Action Prediction

1 code implementation8 Jul 2024 Hongbo Zhu, Theodor Wulff, Rahul Singh Maharjan, Jinpei Han, Angelo Cangelosi

Although attention mechanisms have achieved considerable progress in Transformer-based architectures across various Artificial Intelligence (AI) domains, their inner workings remain to be explored.

Multi-class Classification Multi-Label Classification

Bridging the Communication Gap: Artificial Agents Learning Sign Language through Imitation

no code implementations14 Jun 2024 Federico Tavella, Aphrodite Galata, Angelo Cangelosi

In particular, we focus on imitation learning for artificial agents, exemplified by teaching a simulated humanoid American Sign Language.

Imitation Learning

ToP-ToM: Trust-aware Robot Policy with Theory of Mind

no code implementations7 Nov 2023 Chuang Yu, Baris Serhan, Angelo Cangelosi

In this paper, we investigated trust-aware robot policy with the theory of mind in a multiagent setting where a human collaborates with a robot against another human opponent.


LIPEx-Locally Interpretable Probabilistic Explanations-To Look Beyond The True Class

no code implementations7 Oct 2023 Hongbo Zhu, Angelo Cangelosi, Procheta Sen, Anirbit Mukherjee

This data-efficiency is seen to manifest as LIPEx being able to compute its explanation matrix around 53% faster than all-class LIME, for classification experiments with text data.

Feature Importance

CASPER: Cognitive Architecture for Social Perception and Engagement in Robots

no code implementations1 Sep 2022 Samuele Vinanzi, Angelo Cangelosi

We have tested this architecture in a simulated kitchen environment and the results we have collected show that the robot is able to both recognize an ongoing goal and to properly collaborate towards its achievement.

Action Recognition Navigate +1

WLASL-LEX: a Dataset for Recognising Phonological Properties in American Sign Language

no code implementations ACL 2022 Federico Tavella, Viktor Schlegel, Marta Romeo, Aphrodite Galata, Angelo Cangelosi

Signed Language Processing (SLP) concerns the automated processing of signed languages, the main means of communication of Deaf and hearing impaired individuals.


Phonology Recognition in American Sign Language

no code implementations1 Oct 2021 Federico Tavella, Aphrodite Galata, Angelo Cangelosi

Inspired by recent developments in natural language processing, we propose a novel approach to sign language processing based on phonological properties validated by American Sign Language users.

The Challenges and Opportunities of Human-Centered AI for Trustworthy Robots and Autonomous Systems

no code implementations7 May 2021 Hongmei He, John Gray, Angelo Cangelosi, Qinggang Meng, T. Martin McGinnity, Jörn Mehnen

Then, the challenges in implementing trustworthy autonomous system are analytically reviewed, in respects of the five key properties, and the roles of AI technologies have been explored to ensure the trustiness of RAS with respects to safety, security, health and HMI, while reflecting the requirements of ethics in the design of RAS.


When Would You Trust a Robot? A Study on Trust and Theory of Mind in Human-Robot Interactions

no code implementations26 Jan 2021 Wenxuan Mou, Martina Ruocco, Debora Zanatto, Angelo Cangelosi

To this end, participants played a Price Game with a humanoid robot that was presented having either low level Theory of Mind or high level Theory of Mind.


At Your Service: Coffee Beans Recommendation From a Robot Assistant

no code implementations26 Aug 2020 Jacopo de Berardinis, Gabriella Pizzuto, Francesco Lanza, Antonio Chella, Jorge Meira, Angelo Cangelosi

From this, we propose how this computational model can be deployed on a service robot to reliably predict customers' coffee bean preferences, starting from the user inputting their coffee preferences to the robot recommending the coffee beans that best meet the user's likings.

Recommendation Systems

A robot that counts like a child: a developmental model of counting and pointing

no code implementations5 Aug 2020 Leszek Pecyna, Angelo Cangelosi, Alessandro Di Nuovo

In this paper, a novel neuro-robotics model capable of counting real items is introduced.

Towards a self-organizing pre-symbolic neural model representing sensorimotor primitives

no code implementations20 Jun 2020 Junpei Zhong, Angelo Cangelosi, Stefan Wermter

During the learning process of observing sensorimotor primitives, i. e. observing a set of trajectories of arm movements and its oriented object features, the pre-symbolic representation is self-organized in the parametric units.

Human activity recognition from skeleton poses

2 code implementations20 Aug 2019 Frederico Belmonte Klein, Angelo Cangelosi

Human Action Recognition is an important task of Human Robot Interaction as cooperation between robots and humans requires that artificial agents recognise complex cues from the environment.

Action Recognition Human Activity Recognition +1

Influence of Pointing on Learning to Count: A Neuro-Robotics Model

no code implementations9 Jul 2019 Leszek Pecyna, Angelo Cangelosi

In this paper a neuro-robotics model capable of counting using gestures is introduced.

A Deep Neural Network for Finger Counting and Numerosity Estimation

no code implementations9 Jul 2019 Leszek Pecyna, Angelo Cangelosi, Alessandro Di Nuovo

The performance in number estimation of such an extended model is evaluated.

Encoding Longer-term Contextual Multi-modal Information in a Predictive Coding Model

no code implementations17 Apr 2018 Junpei Zhong, Tetsuya OGATA, Angelo Cangelosi

On the other hand, the incoming sensory information corrects such prediction of the events on the higher level by the novel or surprising signal.

AFA-PredNet: The action modulation within predictive coding

no code implementations11 Apr 2018 Junpei Zhong, Angelo Cangelosi, Xinzheng Zhang, Tetsuya OGATA

The predictive processing (PP) hypothesizes that the predictive inference of our sensorimotor system is encoded implicitly in the regularities between perception and action.

Causal Inference

Emotion Recognition in the Wild using Deep Neural Networks and Bayesian Classifiers

1 code implementation12 Sep 2017 Luca Surace, Massimiliano Patacchiola, Elena Battini Sönmez, William Spataro, Angelo Cangelosi

Group emotion recognition in the wild is a challenging problem, due to the unstructured environments in which everyday life pictures are taken.

Emotion Recognition General Classification

Where is my forearm? Clustering of body parts from simultaneous tactile and linguistic input using sequential mapping

1 code implementation8 Jun 2017 Karla Stepanova, Matej Hoffmann, Zdenek Straka, Frederico B. Klein, Angelo Cangelosi, Michal Vavrecka

In species that use language, this process is further structured by this interaction, where a mapping between the sensorimotor concepts and linguistic elements needs to be established.


Toward Abstraction from Multi-modal Data: Empirical Studies on Multiple Time-scale Recurrent Models

no code implementations7 Feb 2017 Junpei Zhong, Angelo Cangelosi, Tetsuya OGATA

This was done by conducting two studies based on a smaller data- set (two-dimension time sequences from non-linear functions) and a relatively large data-set (43-dimension time sequences from iCub manipulation tasks with multi-modal data).

Robot Manipulation Text Generation

A Hierarchical Emotion Regulated Sensorimotor Model: Case Studies

no code implementations11 May 2016 Junpei Zhong, Rony Novianto, Mingjun Dai, Xinzheng Zhang, Angelo Cangelosi

Inspired by the hierarchical cognitive architecture and the perception-action model (PAM), we propose that the internal status acts as a kind of common-coding representation which affects, mediates and even regulates the sensorimotor behaviours.

Sensorimotor Input as a Language Generalisation Tool: A Neurorobotics Model for Generation and Generalisation of Noun-Verb Combinations with Sensorimotor Inputs

no code implementations11 May 2016 Junpei Zhong, Martin Peniak, Jun Tani, Tetsuya OGATA, Angelo Cangelosi

The paper presents a neurorobotics cognitive model to explain the understanding and generalisation of nouns and verbs combinations when a vocal command consisting of a verb-noun sentence is provided to a humanoid robot.

Language Acquisition Sentence

A cognitive neural architecture able to learn and communicate through natural language

1 code implementation10 Jun 2015 Bruno Golosio, Angelo Cangelosi, Olesya Gamotina, Giovanni Luca Masala

Communicative interactions involve a kind of procedural knowledge that is used by the human brain for processing verbal and nonverbal inputs and for language production.

Incremental Learning

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