Search Results for author: Anirudha Vishvakarma

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

AlphaNet: An Attention Guided Deep Network for Automatic Image Matting

no code implementations7 Mar 2020 Rishab Sharma, Rahul Deora, Anirudha Vishvakarma

To achieve complete automatic foreground extraction in natural scenes, we propose a method that assimilates semantic segmentation and deep image matting processes into a single network to generate detailed semantic mattes for image composition task.

Segmentation Semantic Image Matting +1

MILDNet: A Lightweight Single Scaled Deep Ranking Architecture

2 code implementations3 Mar 2019 Anirudha Vishvakarma

Inspired by the fact that successive CNN layers represent the image with increasing levels of abstraction, we compressed our deep ranking model to a single CNN by coupling activations from multiple intermediate layers along with the last layer.

Fine-Grained Visual Recognition Image Retrieval +4

Retrieving Similar E-Commerce Images Using Deep Learning

3 code implementations11 Jan 2019 Rishab Sharma, Anirudha Vishvakarma

In this paper, we propose a deep convolutional neural network for learning the embeddings of images in order to capture the notion of visual similarity.

Deep Learning Fine-Grained Visual Recognition +4

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