Search Results for author: Ankit Vani

Found 8 papers, 5 papers with code

Forget Sharpness: Perturbed Forgetting of Model Biases Within SAM Dynamics

1 code implementation10 Jun 2024 Ankit Vani, Frederick Tung, Gabriel L. Oliveira, Hossein Sharifi-Noghabi

We propose that perturbations in SAM perform perturbed forgetting, where they discard undesirable model biases to exhibit learning signals that generalize better.

SPARO: Selective Attention for Robust and Compositional Transformer Encodings for Vision

1 code implementation24 Apr 2024 Ankit Vani, Bac Nguyen, Samuel Lavoie, Ranjay Krishna, Aaron Courville

Using SPARO, we demonstrate improvements on downstream recognition, robustness, retrieval, and compositionality benchmarks with CLIP (up to +14% for ImageNet, +4% for SugarCrepe), and on nearest neighbors and linear probe for ImageNet with DINO (+3% each).

Inductive Bias Representation Learning

On the Compositional Generalization Gap of In-Context Learning

no code implementations15 Nov 2022 Arian Hosseini, Ankit Vani, Dzmitry Bahdanau, Alessandro Sordoni, Aaron Courville

In this work, we look at the gap between the in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) performance of such models in semantic parsing tasks with in-context learning.

In-Context Learning Semantic Parsing

Simplicial Embeddings in Self-Supervised Learning and Downstream Classification

1 code implementation1 Apr 2022 Samuel Lavoie, Christos Tsirigotis, Max Schwarzer, Ankit Vani, Michael Noukhovitch, Kenji Kawaguchi, Aaron Courville

Simplicial Embeddings (SEM) are representations learned through self-supervised learning (SSL), wherein a representation is projected into $L$ simplices of $V$ dimensions each using a softmax operation.

Classification Inductive Bias +1

Iterated learning for emergent systematicity in VQA

no code implementations ICLR 2021 Ankit Vani, Max Schwarzer, Yuchen Lu, Eeshan Dhekane, Aaron Courville

Although neural module networks have an architectural bias towards compositionality, they require gold standard layouts to generalize systematically in practice.

Question Answering Systematic Generalization +1

GAIT: A Geometric Approach to Information Theory

1 code implementation19 Jun 2019 Jose Gallego, Ankit Vani, Max Schwarzer, Simon Lacoste-Julien

We advocate the use of a notion of entropy that reflects the relative abundances of the symbols in an alphabet, as well as the similarities between them.


Grounded Recurrent Neural Networks

no code implementations23 May 2017 Ankit Vani, Yacine Jernite, David Sontag

In this work, we present the Grounded Recurrent Neural Network (GRNN), a recurrent neural network architecture for multi-label prediction which explicitly ties labels to specific dimensions of the recurrent hidden state (we call this process "grounding").

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