Search Results for author: Ankita De

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Annotation Inconsistency and Entity Bias in MultiWOZ

no code implementations SIGDIAL (ACL) 2021 Kun Qian, Ahmad Beirami, Zhouhan Lin, Ankita De, Alborz Geramifard, Zhou Yu, Chinnadhurai Sankar

In this work, we identify an overlooked issue with dialog state annotation inconsistencies in the dataset, where a slot type is tagged inconsistently across similar dialogs leading to confusion for DST modeling.

dialog state tracking Memorization +1

Situated and Interactive Multimodal Conversations

2 code implementations COLING 2020 Seungwhan Moon, Satwik Kottur, Paul A. Crook, Ankita De, Shivani Poddar, Theodore Levin, David Whitney, Daniel Difranco, Ahmad Beirami, Eunjoon Cho, Rajen Subba, Alborz Geramifard

Next generation virtual assistants are envisioned to handle multimodal inputs (e. g., vision, memories of previous interactions, in addition to the user's utterances), and perform multimodal actions (e. g., displaying a route in addition to generating the system's utterance).

Response Generation

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